php Programming Glossary: jquery's
How to call a JavaScript function from PHP? call. Here's an example of what I think you're doing with jQuery's AJAX '#txt' .load 'wait.php' function someFunctionYouWantToCall..
Events triggered by dynamically generated element are not captured by event handler input element which are loaded into a modal div . Using jQuery's keyup method I can capture the input values after an event fires..
serialize/unserialize in jQuery php javascript jquery share improve this question jQuery's serialize serializeArray only works for form elements. I think..
jQuery autocomplete special character (Norwegian) problems special character Norwegian problems I'm using jQuery's autocomplete function on my Norwegian site. When typing in the..
jQuery AJAX error handling a good understanding of how to use the error handling in jQuery's AJAX im a noob so it just really doesn't make sense. Can anybody..
Creating HTML: PHP server-side vs. jQuery client-side HTML is generated in several places PHP JS . You could use jQuery's DOM manipulation functions to create your HTML but you're shooting..
How to create Server-side Progress indicator in JavaScript? to report progress status to jQuery but I'm not sure that jQuery's Ajax functions are reading the output before it's complete.....
What's the best way to pass a PHP variable to Javascript? echo json_encode data ...or request it via Ajax e.g. using jQuery's getJSON . Outputting to attributes on tags If you just need..
Escaping output safely for both html and input fields it not working. The problem is actually because I'm using jQuery's val to insert the text into the field. input script input .val..
Does PHP flush work with jQuerys ajax? the data is echoed. I'm also calling this page using jQuery's ajax function. It works but jQuery doesn't output anything until..
PHP and AJAX security question app in which PHP files are loaded into a main file using jQuery's .ajax function. However the PHP files are obviously still accessible..
How to Get and display the list of youtube videos using javascript In our example specifically XMLHttpRequest for which jQuery's jQuery.ajax is a wrapper. jQuery.getJSON is a wrapper for jQuery.ajax..
What to do with php after jquery .serialize() this question If you're submitting the form data with jQuery's Ajax functionality there should not be a problem with using..
Cache AJAX requests the Javascript which handles the AJAX request I am using jQuery's .ajax function which has a cache parameter How would I handle..
Call php function from javascript tightened up the code a little to be more consistent with jQuery's general style but you get the idea handles the click event sends..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions during the Ajax connection is still active I'm aware of jQuery's success function for ajax calls but how do I check the data.. during the Ajax connection is still active I'm aware of jQuery's success function for ajax calls but how do I check the data..
uploading a file via ajax with php out there such as jQuery which have plugins such as jQuery's popular Form Plugin that automate this so you don't have to..
JavaScript equivalent of PHP's in_array() come with one in their utility packages. Check out jQuery's inArray and Prototype's Array.indexOf for examples. jQuery's.. inArray and Prototype's Array.indexOf for examples. jQuery's implementation of it is as simple as you might expect function..
How can i upload a file using jquery's $.ajax function with json and php can i upload a file using jquery's .ajax function with json and php I am trying to upload a file.. with json and php I am trying to upload a file using jquery's .ajax function but didn't get any output. Somebody please help..
jquery's ajax not working in facebook apps ajax not working in facebook apps I am trying to create a facebook..
How to get the value after the hash in “somepage.php#name”? reason I'm not using GET is because I want to use AJAX and jquery's history plugin. Basically what i want is to use ajax to retrieve..
using jquery $.ajax to call a PHP function a PHP function This may be a simple answer but I'm using jquery's .ajax to call a PHP script. What i want to do is basically put..
Why does php insert backslash while replacing double quotes value 5 1 2 and i'm passing it to a processing page via jquery's .get method. '#button' .click function .get 'determine.php number..
Jquery:: Ajax powered progress bar? Ajax powered progress bar I have a page which uses jquery's ajax functions to send some messages. There could be upwards..
Why doesn't jQuery.parseJSON() work on all servers? with this fix it was like this Parse the JSON data try Use jquery's default parser data .parseJSON data catch e Fix a bug where.. data eval data I still want to know if this is a bug in jquery's parseJSON method so that I can report it to them. php javascript..
When do I use PHP_EOL instead of \n and vice-versa ? Ajax/Jquery client problem However when I pass the content via post by ajax using jquery's .post method the problem arises line breaks are not recogniezed...
Passing variable FROM flash to HTML/php click the browser x. I've looked into onbeforeunload and jquery's .unload but I still need a way to get the username variable..