php Programming Glossary: integration
PHPUnit - Unit Testing with items that need to send headers If you can't do that you always have the option of writing integration tests. Eg. use the PHPUnit's equivalent of WebTestCase . share..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects more than one answer. Thanks everyone php continuous integration phing phpundercontrol share improve this question I've been..
What is the best way to format messages for queueing? to learn about their implementation. For general integration have a look at the ActiveMQ page on Enterprise Integration patterns..
Php/Java Integration Java Integration Have you experience of integration of php and Java I've written a class in Java Hello . Now I want..
Simple test vs PHPunit and nothing else. PHPUnit works fine with every continuous integration server since it outputs all standard log files for code coverage..
Calling Perl script from PHP and passing in variables, while also using variablized perl script name file perlreturn ob_get_contents ob_end_clean php perl integration share improve this question Your way is not working because..
How to Zend Framework with Propel ORM to integrate Propel with Zend framework . I've seen the integration of doctrine in the past but this post says it seems propel is.. applicationConfiguration Of course this isnt really full integration as far as im concerned... but it should be enough to get you.. its probably not with the time to implement this level of integration. I did it with Doctrine 1.x a while back and it took me a couple..
PHP library for openID [closed] openID closed Which is the best PHP library for openID integration php openid share improve this question For PHP I find Zend..
Automate Deployment for Web Applications? [closed] the 'debug' configuration of the app Runs all unit and integration tests Builds the 'deploy' configuration of the app Versions..
What unit testing in PHP to start [duplicate] and nothing else. PHPUnit works fine with every continious integration server since it outputs all standard log files for code coverage..
Load block outside Magento, and apply current template block reference id' div Thanks in advance. php magento integration share improve this question Took me a couple minutes of..
PHP Headless Browser? [closed] Details http p wkhtmltopdf Example of integration with PHP http p wkhtmltopdf wiki IntegrationWithPhp..
To Use a PHP Framework or Not? [closed] to develop MVC part of a module for a developer and integration will be quite easy of these developed module at final level...
Recommended server for continuous integration for a PHP project [closed] server for continuous integration for a PHP project closed I'm working on a PHP project and I.. like to know recommendations for implementing continuous integration . I've read all the theory but I never got to use continuous.. I've read all the theory but I never got to use continuous integration. So it should be rather easy to start. I've read about Xinc..
Symfony 2 - multiple server configuration Everybody has a local VM then code propagates up through Integration QA Staging and finally Production. So our concept of an environment.. variables from the user's profile or via export . Why Integration QA and Staging might all be on the same box Anything in the.. parameters # ... server.env int server.title Integration Int 1 And now I can just create server.env .yml..
Zend Framework 1.9 and Doctrine Integration Framework 1.9 and Doctrine Integration I'm trying to setup Zend Framework and Doctrine. There is this..
Hosted Continuous Integration for PHP? [closed] Continuous Integration for PHP closed I just wanted to check if anyone knows any hosted..
Soccer simulation for a game the value is the more attacks you will stop by fouls Integration of the tactical settings All the tactical settings have a value..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects to the code base are handled and create a Continuous Integration process that makes the transition to work in a team possible..
What is the best way to format messages for queueing? integration have a look at the ActiveMQ page on Enterprise Integration patterns . http projects beanstalk A PHP Client.. is the most popular and powerful open source messaging and Integration Patterns provider. Apache ActiveMQ is fast supports many Cross.. Clients and Protocols comes with easy to use Enterprise Integration Patterns and many advanced features while fully supporting JMS..
Php/Java Integration Java Integration Have you experience of integration of php and Java I've written..
Zend Framework and Wordpress Integration Framework and Wordpress Integration We have an existing Zend Framework site hosted at
How to send money to paypal using php option. Otherwise use 'live'. Go to PayPal Integration center for more information. environment 'sandbox' or 'beta..
What is your preferred php deployment strategy? [closed] There's also phpUnderControl which is a Continuous Integration server. I didn't find it very useful for web projects to be..
Zend Framework 1.11 with Doctrine 2 Integration Framework 1.11 with Doctrine 2 Integration Could someone explain in detail how to integrate Doctrine 2..
How can i parse this json data? Angeles Droid Behavior .DJ MODESTY Los Angeles Friendly Integration 21 to Enter Doors Open 10pm 3am Free Entry All Night Long w..
PHPUnit Segmentation fault Linux Mint it causes a Segmentation Fault on my Continous Integration box Centos . Both machines are running the same version of PHPUnit...
Connect to Sharepoint Database through PHP php tools You will also need the Camelot SharePoint Integration Toolkit http and the Camelot .NET.. the same server as the SharePoint server then install the Integration Toolkit on the same server as the Connector. Set up the integration..
Connecting remote PHP/Apache server to Quickbooks/Windows messageview.aspx catid 56 threadid 9164 QuickBooks Integration Wiki Wiki that talks about QuickBooks integration. Disclaimer..