php Programming Glossary: int
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables 89 syntax and if you are used to 89 may seem much less intuitive but all I can say is to try it as it is much easier to.. we have in the car yard. mysql create table colors id int 3 not null auto_increment primary key color varchar 15 paint.. 3 not null auto_increment primary key color varchar 15 paint varchar 10 Query OK 0 rows affected 0.01 sec mysql show columns..
How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL? to insert is the result set is empty Does a unique constraint on a field guarantee the insert will fail if it's already there.. if it's already there It seems that with merely a constraint when I issue the insert via php the script croaks. php sql.. varchar 20 NOT NULL `transcript_chrom_start` int 10 unsigned NOT NULL `transcript_chrom_end` int 10 unsigned..
MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one . Threads has only a few stuff in it to make things faster int id string hash int replycount int dateline timestamp int forumid.. a few stuff in it to make things faster int id string hash int replycount int dateline timestamp int forumid string title Query.. it to make things faster int id string hash int replycount int dateline timestamp int forumid string title Query select from..
SQL injection that gets around mysql_real_escape_string() you against this. The following is also an option iId int mysql_real_escape_string 1 OR 1 1 sSql SELECT FROM table WHERE..
Comma separated values in MySQL “IN” clause entry in the city list CREATE TABLE location2city location INT city INT PRIMARY KEY location city Assuming you have a lookup.. the city list CREATE TABLE location2city location INT city INT PRIMARY KEY location city Assuming you have a lookup table for.. the inefficiency one time to produce the mapping INSERT INTO location2city location city SELECT l.e_ID c.e_ID FROM cities..
First drop down menu to auto change the options of a second dropdown possible. Consider this table CREATE TABLE `contents` `id` INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT `name` VARCHAR 255 `parent` INT DEFAULT.. INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT `name` VARCHAR 255 `parent` INT DEFAULT 0 INSERT INTO `contents` `name` `parent` VALUES 'Names'.. `name` VARCHAR 255 `parent` INT DEFAULT 0 INSERT INTO `contents` `name` `parent` VALUES 'Names' 0 'Places' 0 'Animals'..
how to get numeric types from mysql using PDO when using Server side Prepared Statements for example an INT column is returned as an integer variable not as a string. That..
What is the difference (when being applied to my code) between INT(10) and INT(12)? is the difference when being applied to my code between INT 10 and INT 12 If I use INT 12 vs INT 10 or INT 8 what will.. when being applied to my code between INT 10 and INT 12 If I use INT 12 vs INT 10 or INT 8 what will this actually.. applied to my code between INT 10 and INT 12 If I use INT 12 vs INT 10 or INT 8 what will this actually do in terms of..
Retrieving Multiple Result sets with stored procedure in php/mysqli it's a stored proc like create procedure multiples param1 INT param2 INT BEGIN SELECT FROM table1 WHERE id param1 SELECT FROM.. proc like create procedure multiples param1 INT param2 INT BEGIN SELECT FROM table1 WHERE id param1 SELECT FROM table2..
How can I throttle user login attempts in PHP them to a timestamp perhaps CREATE TABLE failed_logins id INT 11 UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY username VARCHAR.. PRIMARY KEY username VARCHAR 16 NOT NULL ip_address INT 11 UNSIGNED NOT NULL attempted DATETIME NOT NULL INDEX `attempted_idx`.. from an unsigned integer. # example of insertion INSERT INTO failed_logins SET username 'example' ip_address INET_ATON ''..
ALTER TABLE in Magento setup script without using SQL table' table addColumn 'id' Varien_Db_Ddl_Table TYPE_INT 10 array 'unsigned' true 'primary' true table addColumn 'name'.. that should be added definition definition of the column INT 10 DECIMAL 12 4 etc addConstraint method creates a new constraint.. be renamed definition a new definition of the column INT 10 DECIMAL 12 4 etc changeColumn method is used to modify and..
Levenshtein: MySQL + PHP FUNCTION levenshtein s1 VARCHAR 255 s2 VARCHAR 255 RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE s1_len s2_len i j c c_temp cost.. BEGIN DECLARE s1_len s2_len i j c c_temp cost INT DECLARE s1_char CHAR max strlen 255 DECLARE cv0 cv1 VARBINARY.. levenshtein_ratio s1 VARCHAR 255 s2 VARCHAR 255 RETURNS INT DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE s1_len s2_len max_len INT SET s1_len..
IP address storing in mysql database The most efficient say of saving IPv4 addresses is with an INT field not VARCHAR as you might expect . You convert them using..
Symfony 2 - multiple server configuration Everybody has a local VM then code propagates up through Integration QA Staging and finally Production. So our concept of.. public function registerContainerConfiguration LoaderInterface loader loader load __DIR__.' config config_'. this getEnvironment.. variables from the user's profile or via export . Why Integration QA and Staging might all be on the same box Anything..
PHP mysql PDO refuses to set NULL value this question How do I insert NULL values using PDO Null Int bindValue ' param' null PDO PARAM_INT Null Null bindValue '.. Null Null bindValue ' param' null PDO PARAM_NULL 'Null' Int bindValue ' param' 'NULL' PDO PARAM_INT 'Null' Null bindValue..
Get possible array combinations k combinations def combinations array Vector String k Int start Int 0 Iterable List String if k 1 start array.length for.. def combinations array Vector String k Int start Int 0 Iterable List String if k 1 start array.length for i start..
Force PHP integer overflow 1580033017 2072974554 2147483648 I don't mind writing a IntegerOverflowAdd function or something but I can't quite figure.. but 2147483648 2^31 is 1505523923 which is greater than Int.Min so why is do you add 2 2^31 and not 2^31 Any help would.. discovered a lot about PHP at least in the way it handles Integer overflow . 1 It completely depended on a cross between which..
mySQL Stored Function to create a slug 200 CHARSET latin1 DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE x y z Int Declare temp_string new_string VarChar 200 Declare is_allowed..