php Programming Glossary: instantiating
How to successfully rewrite old mysql-php code with deprecated mysql_* functions? is not necessary any longer as well. This is done by instantiating PDO already. You can look for exceptions the PHP manual has..
PHP get path to every file in folder/subfolder into array? [duplicate] This behaviour can be controlled with some flags when instantiating the RecursiveIteratorIterator fileinfos new RecursiveIteratorIterator..
Php Check If a Static Class is Declared also check for existence of a specific method even without instantiating the class echo method_exists bob 'yippie' 'yes' 'no' If you..
Chaining Static Methods in PHP? do want chaining even though it's only syntatic sugar then instantiating TestClass is probably the best way to go. I'd suggest a Singleton..
Derived class defined later in the same file “does not exist”?
How can I initiate a PHP class and use it in several files? in the class files at load time but at some later time by instantiating them i.e. require class.a.php myA new a a b If you are trying..
Making $_SESSION available in controllers render in a destructor within my parent controller after instantiating class Template within a constructor. All classes are being autoloaded...
Why is PDO better for escaping MySQL queries/querystrings than mysql_real_escape_string? database instead you'd only change mysql to pgsql in the instantiating call new PDO . With the old method you'd have to go through..
“Inline” Class Instantiation in PHP? (For Ease of Method Chaining) commonly used in OO languages like Python and Ruby is instantiating an object and chaining methods that return a reference to the..
Registry or Singleton pattern in PHP?
Help Using RegexIterator in PHP . PHP_EOL It is also super easy to add yet more filters by instantiating more of our filtering classes with different regexes or by creating..
PHP debug_backtrace in production code? this would be cleaner and more correct the overhead of instantiating a Reflection object may be greater than using the debug_backtrace..
PHP application running out of Memory maxpages is reached. I suppose I could run the loop when instantiating the classes but would this help. php parsing memory share..
PDO::exec() or PDO::query()? SET NAMES utf8 or pdo query SET NAMES utf8 right after the instantiating the pdo object. So which one should I use exec or query php..
Instantiating class by string using PHP 5.3 namespaces using PHP 5.3 namespaces I can't get around an issue instantiating a new class by using a string variable and PHP 5.3. namespaces...
Inheritance of static members in PHP class. Then to try and remove some of the annoyance of instantiating an instance of the class just to call it's methods you can wrap..
Instantiate an object without calling its constructor in PHP share improve this question By definition instantiating an object includes callings its constructor. Are you sure you..