php Programming Glossary: identifies
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables 5 Black Gloss 5 rows in set 0.00 sec The brands table identifies the different brands of the cars out caryard could possibly.. . This is a simple two table join. We have a table that identifies the model and the table with the available stock in it. As you.. the information we need and use a join that correctly identifies what columns to join on. ERROR 1052 23000 Column 'ID' in field..
How is MVC supposed to work in CodeIgniter of confusion in the PHP Community The MVC vs. PAC article identifies the problem as stemming from the PHP community. that was written..
Cross Domain Single Selective Sign In are conceptually in the same security realm but OpenID identifies realms by URL patterns and since they're on different domains..
Randomly Losing Session Variables Only In Google Chrome & URL Rewriting I'm thinking it's some kind of problem with how Chrome identifies what cookie to use and send to the server This happens in Chrome..
How Session Works? in PHP. for eg. 3 users logged into gmail. how the server identifies these 3 uers. what are the internel process behind that. php..
MySQL - auto decrementing value your record again. Take Stackoverflow as an example. SO identifies questions with such a number questions 3132439..
PHP to Excel, bold font index if you want to change font colour while offset 8 identifies superscript subscript and offset 10 identifies underline type... offset 8 identifies superscript subscript and offset 10 identifies underline type. Offsets 11 12 and 14 identify the font family..
secure sessions/cookies in php an existing session storing into _SESSION something that identifies the browser a common pattern is to store the md5 of the browser's..
Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP to put together a function that receives a file path identifies what it is sets the appropriate headers and serves it just like..
How to efficiently find the closest locations nearby a given location and with a radius of distance then the formula simply identifies which rows fall within that circle... but it still has to checking..
distance calculations in mysql queries and with a radius of distance then the formula simply identifies which rows fall within that circle... but it still has to checking..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation comes from the organisation and is the unique name that identifies employees. For example emails are
Automatic clean and SEO friendly URL (slugs) From Wikipedia A slug is the part of a URL which identifies a page using human readable keywords. To make the URL easier..
Purpose Of PHP Sessions and Cookies and Their Differences should be used to store an ID or hash that uniquely identifies not only the user but also the browser device they are logged.. meant by that is storing a unique value in a cookie that identifies the user browser device that they are using. Implementing something..