php Programming Glossary: icon
Starting phantomjs server from php and waiting for it's response the server starts as I can see the process running and the icon is visible in the dock but I never get any response from it.. pdf is not created. If I run the script from the browser icon is not visible in the dock so the server starts in some other.. it cannot interact with your desktop. This is why the icon does not appear but phantomjs should still start. share improve..
Debugging 500 Internal Server Error on PHP running on IIS7 cluster in the left hand tree view clicking on the œError Pages icon clicking œEdit Feature Settings action and then selecting œDetailed..
json_encode is returning NULL? `description` longtext COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci `icon` longtext COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci `date` longtext COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci.. echoed out on the page id 4 name Noter 2 description null icon http webapps productivity images noter2_20091223182720.. id 3 name Noter 2 description null icon http webapps productivity images noter2_20091223182720..
php + jqgrid + export to excel .navButtonAdd '#pager' caption Export to Excel buttonicon ui icon save onClickButton function exportExcel position.. '#pager' caption Export to Excel buttonicon ui icon save onClickButton function exportExcel position last..
Base64 Encoding Image to be Base64 Encoded so how can I base 64 encode the favicon I have I am only familiar with PHP php encoding base64 opensearch.. for help on creating OpenSearch plugins. For example the icon element is used like this image width 16 height 16 data image.. is used like this image width 16 height 16 data image x icon base64 imageData Image Where imageData is your base64 data...
What RSS parser should I use in PHP? everything what is there for example feeds author feeds icon items tags and so on . It should be able to read not only RSS..
How can i put my WAMP online for someone to access? forward HTTP to your local IP address Click on your WAMP icon and click again on Put Online Go to your remote IP you can find..
WAMP Server not working XP environment. So now I've got it installed but the tray icon forever shows YELLOW and when I visit any PHP page in my browser.. on WAMP by doing the following Left click WAMP tray icon Restart All Services Now Wamp and Skype can co exist together..
Stack Overflow / reddit voting system in php data textStatus If error false highlight the upvote icon else show the error message returned share improve..
How to use Facebook graph API to retrieve fan photos uploaded to wall of fan page? width 246 height 198 name caption description properties icon http rsrc.php v1 yz r StEh3RhPvjk.gif..
How to get a website's favicon with PHP? to get a website's favicon with PHP I want to get requested website's favicon with PHP... favicon with PHP I want to get requested website's favicon with PHP. I have been recommended using Google's favicon service.. with PHP. I have been recommended using Google's favicon service but it is not functional. I want to do something on..
XSS - Which HTML Tags and Attributes can trigger Javascript Events? cite classid codebase data dsync formaction href icon longdesc manifest poster profile src usemap The HTML5 Index..
Why am I seeing a value of “undefined” on screen when I submit form in jQuery Mobile? data position fixed h1 Contact Us h1 a href home.html data icon back class ui btn left data ajax false Back a a href home.html.. ui btn left data ajax false Back a a href home.html data icon home class ui btn right data ajax false Home a div header div..
How can one check to see if a remote file exists using PHP? I have a list of websites and I want to display their favicons next to them. However if a site doesn't have one I'd like to.. More or less ch curl_init http favicon.ico curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_NOBODY true curl_exec ch retcode.. the TCP connection establishment and closing. And being favicons small you might not see much improvement. Caching the result..