php Programming Glossary: ie8
How to Integrate Blue Imp File Upload to CakePHP? Transport is included for cross domain file deletion for IE8 if gte IE 8 php echo this Html script 'fileuploads cors jquery.xdr..
PHP script to download file not working in IE a download for the use. This works in Firefox but not IE8 haven't been able to test it on another IE. I get the following..
Form that makes browser redirect when accessed by either a regular form submit or an Ajax request - is this possible? In case this matters I tried the form in various browsers IE8 IE7 IE6 Firefox 3.5 Chrome with similar results each time. Also..
IE10 sharing cookies across subdomains by default and subdomains differently than other major browsers IE8 IE9 Firefox Chrome Safari . We use subdomains extensively for..
Mcrypt js encryption value is different than that produced by PHP mcrypt / Mcrypt JS decrypt doesn't work for UTF-8 chars line. Firefox and Chrome don't seem to mind this but IE8 will report an error and fail to load the mcrypt library because..
How do I get csv file to download on IE? Works on firefox and some others that I now forget with no luck. This is IE8 btw. Update 2 The connection is over SSL. php csv download..
How does session_start lock in PHP? of the exact same url twice this does not happen. Both IE8 and Chrome do not show that behavior. share improve this answer..
How to prevent my site page to be loaded via 3rd party site frame of iFrame Browsers that support the header with the minimum version IE8 and IE9 Opera 10.50 Safari 4 Chrome Firefox 3.6.9..
How to write specific CSS for mozilla, chrome and IE #dos color red IE7 FF Saf Opera html body #tres color red IE8 FF Saf Opera Everything but IE 6 7 html body #cuatro color red.. blue Everything but IE6 #diecisiete color blue IE6 IE7 IE8 #diecinueve color blue 9 IE7 IE8 #veinte color blue 9 IE6 IE7.. color blue IE6 IE7 IE8 #diecinueve color blue 9 IE7 IE8 #veinte color blue 9 IE6 IE7 acts as an important #veintesiete..
How do I make Firefox reload page when back button is pressed? reload when a user presses the back button. Works fine in IE8. I have tried all of these... meta http equiv Cache Control..
prevent page opening on an iframe? OPTIONS DENY This is only supported in modern browsers IE8 Firefox 3.6.9 Safari 4 and Chrome. For older browser you would..
Prevent iframe stealing level frameset holder. Browsers that support the header IE8 and IE9 Opera 10.50 Safari 4 Chrome Firefox with..
HTML5 input type file's multiple attribute not working in IE? opera safari... but IE not supporting this. I tried with IE8 and IE9 both are not supporting. How can I fix this Anybody.. me. php html5 file upload share improve this question IE8 does not support HTML5. Perhaps IE9 is running in compatibility..
Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms possible header formats . There are mitigations coming in IE8 but that's no use for now and you have to wonder why they can't..
PHP Session Hijacking a single window separate windows are separate sessions. IE8 lets users create new sessions via the New session menu item...
jQuery Browser Compatability (IE) out why it is not working correctly in IE6 IE7 and IE8... I am willing to say whatever to IE6 but I am really hoping.. IE6 but I am really hoping to get this to work in IE7 and IE8. By viewing my source code is there anything you can see that.. you can see that is causing the problems in IE7 and IE8. The main issue as you will notice after you play with the jQuery..