php Programming Glossary: ideas
PHP - remove <img> tag from string work preg_replace img ^ i image content echo content Any ideas php string share improve this question Try dropping the..
Asynchronous PHP calls? a sort in my application or triggering long processes. Any ideas php http asynchronous share improve this question The answer..
How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server server as an image here is how to do this in PHP the same ideas is in every language. Server side in PHP can be found here ..
Access array returned by a function in php because it will be used directly in an if block. Any ideas php arrays share improve this question Since PHP 5.4 it's..
Loading .sql files from within PHP .sql files you should look into phpMyAdmin and get some ideas for getting data out of .sql files that way. Look around at..
Cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication Downgrading php versions isn't an option. Anyone have any ideas php mysql authentication connection share improve this question..
Calling Python in PHP or popen from PHP to call the Python script. Any better ideas Thanks in advance php python share improve this question..
Get first element of an array by reference so array_shift is not good solution. Any ideas php arrays share improve this question array_shift array_values..
json_encode is returning NULL? http appurl http Any ideas php json null json encode share improve this question I..
PHP namespace simplexml problems or accessible. Probably a really simple solution but any ideas guys php xml namespaces simplexml xml namespaces share improve..
PHP SimpleXML - Remove xpath node unset xml data items as that would delete everything. Any ideas much appreciated php simplexml share improve this question..
php function to make slug (url string) gen_slug 'andrés' returns andras instead of andres why any ideas on the preg_replace parameters php regex string share improve..
How to parse SOAP XML? xpath ' payment' as item print_r item Result is empty Any ideas how to parse it correct php xml soap share improve this question..
create array tree from array list becoas i can add left and right values in my database. any ideas php arrays tree share improve this question oke this is..
PHP to store images in MySQL or not? down. Not sure what the best approach for that is yet any ideas welcome. Also I have been trying to work out if it is better..
PHP + DOMDocument: outerHTML for element? hyperlink like a href 'http video.flv' a any ideas how to achieve this thanks php dom outerhtml share improve..
Why is Facebook PHP SDK getUser always returning 0? I have no idea where the problem is and I run out of ideas. There's a Website tab on the developers' Facebook page in the..
How can one use multi threading in PHP applications can be done or simulated effectively from within PHP. Any ideas php multithreading share improve this question PHP has..
Encrypt php code I encrypt using LAN MAC address Does anyone have any other ideas php obfuscation code protection share improve this question..
Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input to translate these option labels or values. Here are a few ideas that might be useful in that regard. In a quote_item_load_after..
Importing multiple csv files to mysql tables with a comma at the end. Why didn't I get any errors any Ideas PS any idea's how to upvote SO's syntax highlighting for solving..
Replace URLs in text with HTML links stackoverflow could also probably use this as well D Any Ideas php regex url preg replace linkify share improve this question..
PHP Check for NULL wrong from above shoudnt result 'column' NULL work Any Ideas php mysql null share improve this question Use is_null..
Passing JavaScript Array To PHP Through JQuery $.ajax Two' The script does not complete when I try this.. Any Ideas or reading materials that will help me accomplish this php..
PHP: Create new XML file and write data to it? write some base nodes I am not sure of the best method. Ideas php xml file share improve this question DOMDocument is..
A more pretty/informative Var_dump alternative in PHP? since. Screenshot demonstrating content aware features Ideas and issues are very welcome and will be implemented asap. php..
How to get a variable name as a string in PHP? like this print_var_name FooBar which prints FooBar Any Ideas how to achieve this Is this even possible in PHP php share..
Ideas for a PHP Summer Project [closed] for a PHP Summer Project closed Each student in my school has.. button to enter reminders into when you're in a hurry. Ideas to fatten it up a bit A back end to edit the reminders. A protected..
Scalable, Delayed PHP Processing my mouth and I was wondering if anyone had a better idea Ideas changed slightly. Read Edit 2. EDIT I'm creating an online game..
Php - Debugging Curl and such and then it uses curl_exec to send the request. Ideas on how to see what post fields are being sent php debugging..
How to pass extra variables in URL with Wordpress setcookie rCookie _SERVER 'HTTP_REFERER' Any Ideas php wordpress url get share improve this question There..
Convert array of paths into UL list sallymae Sally products All Products products gifts Gift Ideas products widgets Widgets and then using something like this.. 'Sally' 'products ' 'All Products' 'products gifts ' 'Gift Ideas ' 'products widgets ' 'Widgets' function build_tree path_list..
CodeIgniter Active Record not equal ' . campaignId All with no luck. Ideas php codeigniter share improve this question According to..
Geo-Search (Distance) in PHP/MySQL (Performance) task would doing this in PHP be fast enough Any other Ideas what I should shouldn't do For completenes here is the sample..
PHP Fatal Error Failed opening required File but when I did yum install php it said it had the latest. Ideas php apache share improve this question It's not actually..
Blank spaces in column names with MySQL it does not. It says Unknown column 'Area' in 'field list' Ideas php mysql share improve this question Use backticks. SELECT..
JQuery UI Saving Sortable List why the order I get for each item will not change. Any Ideas L php jquery mysql jquery ui share improve this question..
Stripping everything but alphanumeric chars from a string in PHP everything but allow dots so everything but a z 1 9 . . Ideas php regex string share improve this question string preg_replace..