php Programming Glossary: idle
Automatically re-direct a user when session Times out or goes idle re direct a user when session Times out or goes idle I want to have a timer going to run every 3 minutes on the..
MySQL/PHP Error:[2002] Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted my worker threads for Apache there are typically lots of idle workers available to accept new connections requests. My Site..
Advantages / Disadvantages of pconnect option in CodeIgniter to drop because of lots of ram used by the many mostly idle connections Bugs because connections have gone stale and the..
MySql Proccesslist filled with “Sleep” Entries leading to “To many Connections”? i execute a SHOW PROCESSLIST command it shows me about 400 idle Status Sleep connections to the database Server emerging from..
mysql_connect VS mysql_pconnect of wasted resources for no purpose if the connections are idle. I don't know if you'll reach 10 000 idle connections but even.. connections are idle. I don't know if you'll reach 10 000 idle connections but even a couple of hundred is costly. Connections..
Store “password is ok” in php Session variable? from same ip Set a short session timeout so that if left idle for a while the session times out automatically. share improve..
Why would only some devices be receiving push notifications too. If you have a persistent connection and it is idle for about 20 minutes or so APNS will silently drop the connection...
Securing a javascript client with hmac threshold say 10 30 minutes in case they're sitting around idle on your app . If they're validated update the encrypted key..
Check Gmail IMAP via PHP for new mesages in a loop GMAIL gets an email it should send a response to the IMAP idle session and mobiPush should pick it up almost instantly. All..
Long Polling/HTTP Streaming General Questions When the worker spawns it connects to the MQ and goes idle waiting for a new tasks. When someone uploads a video file the..
Run PHP Task Asynchronously as you can defer that processing until your server load is idle letting you manage your load quite effectively if you can partition..