php Programming Glossary: ice
WebRTC video chat with Ajax instead of WebSocket: Possible? at regular intervals and they can send SDP descriptions ICE candidates to a specific other client that way. The server acts.. demo where you manually copy paste the SDP description and ICE candidates using text areas and click on buttons to move forward.. the signalling process and that of course worked fine too. ICE candidates Now yes you need ICE candidates. Look at a sample..
WebRTC video chat with Ajax instead of WebSocket: Possible? Through that I was able to set up a WebRTC video chat service on my local host. I was quite happy until I realized that in.. to Ajax so that I can show off the WebRTC video chat service I made. To that end I've been trying to code something for the.. to wonder if there's a bug it in or something. 3 Is the onicecandidate event handler required to establish a connection My..
Convert one date format into another in PHP any date input short of the next time joe will slip on the ice . for example this works old_date date 'l F d y h i s' returns..
Bitwise Flags abandoned? Flags abandoned I've noticed that plenty of opensource project doesn't use BITWISE flags.. flying start to the interview. It also helps to break the ice and build a rapport needed for a meaningful interview. On the.. hurdles. But not wanting to completely ignore local advice I cautiously decided to include my basic interview topics and..