php Programming Glossary: id
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? without any real thought. Example query 'INSERT INTO table id col1 col2 VALUES NULL val1 val2 ' Also in the above example.. col2 VALUES NULL val1 val2 ' Also in the above example consider that table col n and val n may be variables. What is the standard.. question Backticks are to be used for table and column identifiers but are only necessary when the identifier is a MySQL..
How to properly set up a PDO connection 'root somewhere connect.php' this file is placed outside of public_html for better security. # include classes foreach.. like that... configure.php Here I basically just override some php.ini properties and do some other global configuration.. err FILE_APPEND write some details to an error log outside public_html die terminate connection public function dbh ..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? query mysql_ num_rows becomes pdo_ num_rows mysql_ insert_id becomes pdo_ insert_id mysql_ fetch_array becomes pdo_ fetch_array.. becomes pdo_ num_rows mysql_ insert_id becomes pdo_ insert_id mysql_ fetch_array becomes pdo_ fetch_array mysql_ fetch_assoc.. as placeholders where the variables were before. Get rid of ' single quotes that previously enclosed string values variables...
Simple “Long Polling” example code? would better be done checking if the file contains a valid JSON response and or keeping a running total of requests per.. to the #messages div waits 15 seconds and then tries again identical to how we wait 1 second after each message The nice thing.. background #aaa padding .2em border bottom 1px #000 solid .old background color #246499 .new background color #3B9957..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php form I am using form name foo action form.php method POST id foo label for bar A bar label input id bar name bar type text.. method POST id foo label for bar A bar label input id bar name bar type text value input type submit value Send form.. usage of .ajax would look something like this HTML form id foo label for bar A bar label input id bar name bar type text..
SQL injection that gets around mysql_real_escape_string() even when using mysql_real_escape_string function Consider this sample situation. SQL is constructed in PHP like this.. security sql injection share improve this question Consider the following query iId mysql_real_escape_string 1 OR 1 1.. 1 OR 1 1 sSql SELECT FROM table WHERE id iId mysql_real_escape_string will not protect you against this...
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] the fastest or most compact way to do a query it's to provide a good readable reference especially for newbies. Every day.. the mySQL_ family of functions Accept two POST values id numeric and name a string Do an UPDATE query on a table tablename.. tablename changing the name column in the row with the ID id On failure exit graciously but show the detailed error only..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables other tables the table that ties everything together. The ID field is actually the unique lot number used to identify cars... So getting into the grit of it the boss wants to know The IDs of all the sports cars he has . This is a simple two table.. table we have. Now we know that the models table has an ID of 1 for Sports so lets write the join. select ID model from..
How do I expire a PHP session after 30 minutes? use an additional time stamp to regenerate the session ID periodically to avoid attacks on sessions like session fixation.. 30 minutes ago session_regenerate_id true change session ID for the current session an invalidate old session ID _SESSION.. ID for the current session an invalidate old session ID _SESSION 'CREATED' time update creation time note that session.gc_maxlifetime..
Reference: What is a perfect code sample using the MySQL extension? [closed] tablename changing the name column in the row with the ID id On failure exit graciously but show the detailed error only..
Achieve hierarchy, Parent/Child Relationship in an effective and easy way and easy way I have a table like create table site site_Id int 5 parent_Id int 5 site_desc varchar2 100 Significance of.. I have a table like create table site site_Id int 5 parent_Id int 5 site_desc varchar2 100 Significance of the fields site_Id.. 5 site_desc varchar2 100 Significance of the fields site_Id Id of the sites parent_Id Parent id of the site site_desc though..
Fetch specific tag with an attribute value from XML FL FL val Product Details product no 1 FL val Product Id 580005000000171125 FL FL val Product Name CDATA The Grilling.. CDATA null FL product product no 2 FL val Product Id 580005000000171131 FL FL val Product Name CDATA Uptown Deli.. FL FL val Product Details product no 1 FL val Product Id 580005000000059016 FL FL val Product Name CDATA Beef Stoganoff..
Get WordPress Post ID from Post title convoluted but essentially what I need to do is get a Post Id by it's Post Title. In pseudo code it would ideally be something..
How to Paginate lines in a foreach loop with PHP code to display a list of friends from my twitter profile. Id like to only load a certain number at a time say 20 then provide..
Get Order Increment Id in Magento Order Increment Id in Magento I'm trying to get the Order Increment Id in Magento.. Id in Magento I'm trying to get the Order Increment Id in Magento on the success.phtml page so that I can use this.. line order Mage getSingleton 'sales order' getLastOrderId lastOrderId order getIncrementId The error reads Fatal error..
Getting a PHP PDO connection from a mysql_connect()? will sleep for 5 seconds mysql show processlist Id User Host db Command Time State Info 41 astralblog localhost..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation about the employees Confirmed UserName is an excellent Identifier 10.2. Confirmed FirstName LastName ... BirthPlace etc.. are not duplicated. . 11. Given At the moment we can Identify our offices by casual names which are generally know within.. such rights. . 14. Confirmed Location.Administrator is UserId of admin for the Location . . 15. Given There will only ever..
SimpleXML get element content based on attribute value [duplicate] PHP SimpleXML. I've got the following XML setup DocSum Id 21242919 Id Item Name Author Type String Nguyen T Item Item.. I've got the following XML setup DocSum Id 21242919 Id Item Name Author Type String Nguyen T Item Item Name Title Type.. renal angiosarcoma a case report. Item DocSum DocSum Id 21242919 Id Item Name Author Type String Oliveira GC Item Item..
Problems with secure bind to Active Directory using PHP workaround phpinfo ldap LDAP Support enabled RCS Version Id ldap.c 293036 2010 01 03 09 23 27Z sebastian Total Links 0 unlimited..
How to convert xml into array in php? on how I can do this aaaa Version 1.0 bbb cccc dddd Id id pass eeee name hearaman age 24 cccc bbb aaaa php xml share.. xml new SimpleXMLElement xmlString echo xml bbb cccc dddd 'Id' echo xml bbb cccc eeee 'name' or........... foreach xml bbb..