php Programming Glossary: ifnull
Finding free blocks of time in mysql and php? modified query SELECT a.end_hour AS `Free time Start` IFNULL la.start_hour a.end_hour AS `Free Time End` IFNULL TIMEDIFF.. Start` IFNULL la.start_hour a.end_hour AS `Free Time End` IFNULL TIMEDIFF la.start_hour a.end_hour '00 00 00' AS `Total Free.. a long offset and limit starting from 1 instead of zero IFNULL usage ifnull 'if here comes null' 'select this then' share..
Calculating total quantity of equipments for a date range that intersect with the given range SELECT MAX available IFNULL SUM amountInSch 0 FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Table3 USING eqid LEFT..
counting data and grouping by week in mysql something like this SELECT w1.amount w2.amount ... IFNULL w1.amount 0 IFNULL w2.amount 0 .... AS total FROM yourTable.. SELECT w1.amount w2.amount ... IFNULL w1.amount 0 IFNULL w2.amount 0 .... AS total FROM yourTable AS n LEFT JOIN SELECT..
Selecting the last 7 days from Now() in MYSQL get_results SELECT wp_pixelcart_calendar.datefield AS DATE IFNULL SUM wp_pixelcart_daily_sales.quantity 0 AS total_sales FROM..
Codeigniter ActiveRecord: join backticking query SELECT terem.nev terem_nev elem_tipus.nev tipus_nev IFNULL cimke.nev tanar.nev nev FROM mk_terem LEFT JOIN terem ON mk_terem.id_terem..