php Programming Glossary: id's
Get all child, grandchild etc nodes under parent using php with mysql query results build a tree out of an adjacency list and keep the id's ordered in ascending order. This also makes the id 's of each..
Progress bar while running while loop file to run a single query. You could get all the entry id's in this master file and then pass it as a parameter to the second..
User recognition without cookies or local storage URL s browser history or cookies may contain unique user id's in URLs such as http users 1226894 or http..
how to reuse deleted primary keys in mysql? primary key that auto increments. when i delete rows their id's will also be deleted thus creating holes in my id sequence eg...
Why does MySQL report a syntax error on FULL OUTER JOIN? [closed] columns in a table which is cross referenced by various id's. php mysql sql join mysql error 1064 share improve this question..
PHP - warning - Undefined property: stdClass - fix? on line 440 Some Code Parse object to get account id's The response doesn't have the records attribute sometimes. role_arr..
Simple implementation of admin/staff panel? the entire life of the session. Keep in mind that session id's are used to authenticate browsers and if an attacker can obtain..
MySQL Prepared statements with a variable size variable list 12 45 65 33 The IN CLAUSE will have a different number of id's each time it is run. I have two possible solutions in my mind..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? once. This works fine until reading happens because these id's are tied to some kind of DTD's based on getElementById . Question..
Detect if PHP session exists does then I could update the data in there too. My session id's are MD5 fb_id secret so I could easily edit their session. The..
jQuery voting system vote down href # a div It removes the need for extra html id's and you dont need the doubled up code to add the current class...
generating unique id's in php (for url shortener) unique id's in php for url shortener How can i generate a unique combinations..
Get $_POST from multiple checkboxes below that I want when clicked to delete all messages id's of row 'Report ID' which have the checkbox's checked... How..
PHP array Encoding and Decoding:Need a function for encoding and decoding string or array with delimiters or array itself in a need of function that will encode and decode all the id's of a tree nodes. I function that will check if its a single..
Switch id numbers of two rows in MySql id numbers of two rows in MySql I am trying to switch the id's of two rows in mysql using php the more i read about it the.. 4 michael 34 greece and then i would like to swap the id's of rows 2 and 3 so that it would look like this 1 Peter 22 germany..
How to get next alpha-numeric ID based on existing value from MySQL for to find it. I need to generate unique quick reference id's based on a company name. So for example Company Name Reference..
Magento programmatically add product image getCategories array record 0 record 1 record 2 # some cat id's setWebsiteIDs array 1 # Website id 1 is default setDescription..
A good practice for creating human-typable, non-sequential unique id's practice for creating human typable non sequential unique id's I need to create a unique id for our users. I don't want to..
Symfony2 collection of Entities - how to add/remove assotiation with existing entities? ask the repository for the role entity that matches the ID's and add these to your user entity before you persist and flush..
Session VS File VS Memcache for a Cache in PHP? to build this feed I have to Get the list of friend ID's on the large friend table Get the stream data from the friend..
MySQL ORDER BY IN() ORDER BY IN I have a PHP array with numbers of ID's in it. These numbers are already ordered. Now i would like to.. like to get my result via the IN method to get all of the ID's. However these ID's should be ordered like in the IN method... via the IN method to get all of the ID's. However these ID's should be ordered like in the IN method. For example IN 4 7..
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode? in a given page as it is based on specific element ID's #newpost shortcode and #randomposts As usual it's better to..
PDO binding values for MySQL IN statement some time. Take this example I am binding an array of ID's to a PDO statement for use in a MySQL IN statement. The array..
codeigniter only getting single digit params from url from my database. Some of the companies have single digit ID's while others have 2 or 3 digit ID's. If I view a company using.. have single digit ID's while others have 2 or 3 digit ID's. If I view a company using the url company view 3..
Gettext: Is it a good idea for the message ID to be the english text? I don't like to use actual English phrases as message ID's because if the English changes so does the ID. This might not..
Select from mysql table WHERE field='$array'? table WHERE field ' array' If I have an array of say some ID's of users. How could i do something like this array array 1 40..
MySQL: How to get a sequential number with rows? Example If I have a table with only 3 rows in it. whose ID's are 24 87 112 it would pull like this ID 24 87 112 Num 1 2 3..
How to create an Email Account in Cpanel via PHP? [closed] to develop a website. Will I be able to create Email ID's from my PHP Script Note I have cPanel access to my server and..
How to get next alpha-numeric ID based on existing value from MySQL collected escaped and inserted like 'HTML PHP MySQL'. The ID's should be in the format depicted above four letters then four.. this will will eliminate the possibility of two identical ID's being generated. See what happens if two rows are inserted at..
A good practice for creating human-typable, non-sequential unique id's numbers from 0 to 999999 if you ever need to add more ID's to your list start at 1000000. shuffle list now it's randomly..