php Programming Glossary: gettitle
How to update custom options programatically in magento? if isset options foreach options as o title o getTitle this block is for changing information of specific option from.. test existing of value for update if 1 preg_match said i v getTitle update and save v setTitle morad setSku kk setPriceType fixed..
How to get the URL to a configurable item in Magento? true false select addOption _value getOptionTypeId _value getTitle . ' ' . priceStr . '' After this you add standardValue this..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table Common Collections ArrayCollection public function getTitle return this title public function getTracklist return this tracklist.. btw any idea how to name this relation public function getTitle return this title public function getDuration return this duration.. dql getResult foreach albums as album echo album getTitle . PHP_EOL foreach album getTracklist as track echo sprintf t#..
Get title of website via link below is the code to accomplish what he said. php function getTitle Url str file_get_contents Url if strlen str 0 preg_match title.. title . title str title return title 1 Example echo getTitle http OUTPUT Washington Times Politics..
PHPExcel reader — help required current active sheet sheetName objPHPExcel getActiveSheet getTitle time changed into some integer value that shoud be same as in..
Magento: Adding simple products from a bundle to separate lines in the cart as bundleSelection get some data here vName bundleOption getTitle To get a list of the Required Selection Products for the Bundled.. if bundleOption getSelections label bundleOption getTitle bundleSelections bundleOption getSelections foreach bundleSelections..