php Programming Glossary: getselect
Magento module to change dashboard graph because result will group only by 'created_at' field this getSelect reset Zend_Db_Select COLUMNS expression sprintf ' s s s s s.. 'main_table.base_shipping_refunded' 0 if isFilter 0 this getSelect columns array 'revenue' new Zend_Db_Expr sprintf 'SUM s s.. 'main_table.base_to_global_rate' 0 else this getSelect columns array 'revenue' new Zend_Db_Expr sprintf 'SUM s ' expression..
Magento get a product collection in an arbitrary order PDO's array parameter ids array_map 'intval' ids products getSelect order find_in_set e.entity_id ' .implode ' ' ids . ' foreach..
magento get products from category, order by rand() Mage getModel 'catalog category' load products getSelect order new Zend_Db_Expr 'RAND ' To see what query will be executed..