php Programming Glossary: formatting
PHP: Truncate HTML, ignoring tags this example . strip_tags is a fallback but I would lose formatting and links and it would still have the problem with HTML entities...
Is there a built-in function or plugin to handle date formatting in JavaScript? there a built in function or plugin to handle date formatting in JavaScript Currently I need to output a date in a '5 October.. .html completeDate php javascript datetime date formatting share improve this question No there is nothing built in..
Php code formatter / beautifier and php beautification in general in general Do you know any good tools for nicely formatting messy php code Preferably a script for Aptana Eclipse but a..
What is the canonical way to determine commandline vs. http execution of a PHP script? via the command line or via HTTP primarily for output formatting purposes. What's the canonical way of doing this I had thought..
Converting HTML to plain text in PHP for e-mail text in PHP for e mail I use TinyMCE to allow minimal formatting of text within my site. From the HTML that's produced I'd like.. however like that it maps certain HTML tags to plain text formatting like putting underscores around text that previously had i tags..
Convert date format yyyy-mm-dd => dd-mm-yyyy from this string. Does anyone have an idea php date formatting share improve this question Use strtotime and date originalDate..
Sending HTML email from PHP 7bit h2 Hello World h2 p This is something with b HTML b formatting. p PHP alt php echo random_hash copy current buffer contents..
PHP to clean-up pasted Microsoft input input often comes with a plethora of associated MS inline formatting. I can't just get rid of span whatever as TinyMCE relies on.. as TinyMCE relies on the span tag for some of it's formatting and I can't and don't want to force said users to use TinyMCE's..
Convert HTML + CSS to PDF with PHP? images all the images are Google Chart URLs and the table formatting was much better but it seemed to have some complexity problem..
How can I convert a docx document to html using php? LIBXML_NOERROR LIBXML_NOWARNING Return data without XML formatting tags contents explode ' n' strip_tags xml saveXML text '' foreach..
What is the advantage of using Heredoc in PHP ? [closed]
Compiling an AST back to source code see Compile the code using some predefined scheme Keep the formatting of the original code and apply 1. only on Nodes that were changed... I see here is that it would be pretty hard to change the formatting of the generated output. One would need to change the Nodes.. literal strings . Often people want their original layout formatting to do this you have to store at column number information for..
PHP simpleXML how to save the file in a formatted way? area blah area I am using asXML function. Thanks. php formatting simplexml share improve this question You could use the..
Reading numbers as text format with PHPExcel php formatting phpexcel share improve this question Formatting using a number format affects the way a number is displayed..
Formatting a timestamp a timestamp The variable below formats as 2009 11 05 22 51..
Formatting a number with leading zeros in PHP a number with leading zeros in PHP I want have a variable which..
extracting content from pdf using PHP tell me how to extract content from PDF document using PHP Formatting is the main problem im facing here. So let me know if there..
PHPExcel - Formatting gets lost when editing from code Formatting gets lost when editing from code I'm playing around with an..
Formatting Phone Numbers in PHP Phone Numbers in PHP Greetings I am working on an SMS app and..
Form Submit URL Formatting Submit URL Formatting I have a form which when submitted goes to the url signup.php..