php Programming Glossary: formfields
Retrieve Android Market mylibrary with curl https mylibrary' data curl_exec ch formFields getFormFields data formFields 'Email' USERNAME formFields 'Passwd'.. mylibrary' data curl_exec ch formFields getFormFields data formFields 'Email' USERNAME formFields 'Passwd' PASSWORD unset formFields.. formFields getFormFields data formFields 'Email' USERNAME formFields 'Passwd' PASSWORD unset formFields 'PersistentCookie' var_dump..
Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off? post mine but if you need it let me know. Just make sure formFields is an associative array with keys being the field name and the.. http alerts manage' data curl_exec ch formFields getFormFields data formFields 'Email' USERNAME formFields 'Passwd'.. manage' data curl_exec ch formFields getFormFields data formFields 'Email' USERNAME formFields 'Passwd' PASSWORD unset formFields..