php Programming Glossary: foreign
PHP Transliteration Are there any solutions that will convert all foreign characters to A z equivalents I have searched extensively on..
Best way to use PHP to encrypt and decrypt passwords? [duplicate] to store passwords that can be retrieved I plan to store foreign account information for my users on my website aka rapidshare..
What's the best method for sanitizing user input with PHP? is quite simple Whenever you embed a string within foreign code you must escape it according to the rules of that language...
How would you transform a pre-existing web app into a multilingual one? translators ensure that they are translating from a foreign language into their native language which means that they understand..
PHP E-Mail Encoding? E Mail Encoding I am having some trouble with foreign characters when sending an e mail. Could someone advise me on..
Sanitizing strings to make them URL and filename safe? function which I hope solves this problem and allows foreign UTF 8 data also. Convert a string to the file URL safe slug.. be permitted to include an underscore. The inclusion of foreign UTF 8 seems to be locale dependent. It's not clear whether this..
PHP SimpleXML: insert node at certain position
Bulletin board - Database optimisation and RULES you will have to implement those in code. my foreign keys are like users id fk pk Im not sure how to add..
ALTER TABLE in Magento setup script without using SQL 12 4 etc addConstraint method creates a new constraint foreign key. It has such parameters fkName the foreing key name should.. added automaticaly tableName the table name for adding a foreign key columnName the column name that should be refered to another.. should be refered to another table if you have complex foreign key use comma to specify more than one column refTableName the..
Object-oriented-like structures in relational databases use the same oid type as their parent. Define the oid as a foreign key with cascaded delete. The parent table gets the autoincrement..
MySQL: Reorder/Reset auto increment primary key? to do this especially if you have other tables that have a foreign key to this table. If so you would need to update those fields..
phpMyAdmin foreign key drop-down field values 1 1 Here is my alter statement ALTER TABLE Baronies ADD FOREIGN KEY CountyId REFERENCES Counties CountyId ON DELETE CASCADE..
Turn database result into array a and d PRIMARY KEY `a` `d` CONSTRAINT `closure_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY `a` REFERENCES `longnames` `tsn` CONSTRAINT `closure_ibfk_2`.. REFERENCES `longnames` `tsn` CONSTRAINT `closure_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY `d` REFERENCES `longnames` `tsn` Given the primary key of..
System for keeping track of user favorites NULL movie_id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY user_id movie_id FOREIGN KEY user_id REFERENCES users user_id FOREIGN KEY movie_id REFERENCES.. movie_id FOREIGN KEY user_id REFERENCES users user_id FOREIGN KEY movie_id REFERENCES movies movie_id This is called an intersection..
How to debug MySQL/Doctrine2 Queries? `tasks_list_id_idx` `list_id` CONSTRAINT `tasks_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY `owner_id` REFERENCES `users` `id` CONSTRAINT `tasks_ibfk_2`.. REFERENCES `users` `id` CONSTRAINT `tasks_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY `assigned_id` REFERENCES `users` `id` CONSTRAINT `tasks_ibfk_3`.. REFERENCES `users` `id` CONSTRAINT `tasks_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY `list_id` REFERENCES `lists` `id` ENGINE InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT..
Libpuzzle Indexing millions of pictures? image_id INTEGER NOT NULL sig_word TEXT NOT NULL FOREIGN KEY image_id REFERENCES images image_id INDEX image_id sig_word..
MySQL Structure for a social network field in the users table workEmail VARCHAR 64 bio TEXT FOREIGN KEY userID REFERENCES users userID this table is not specific.. DATE can set this to null if it's the user's current job FOREIGN KEY userID REFERENCES users userID FOREIGN KEY jobID REFERENCES.. current job FOREIGN KEY userID REFERENCES users userID FOREIGN KEY jobID REFERENCES jobs jobID CREATE TABLE schools schoolID..