php Programming Glossary: fopen
Error logging, in a smooth way space is below 20 .' Defaults to E_USER_NOTICE Warnings. fopen 'BAD_ARGS' E_WARNING fopen expects at least 2 parameters 1 given.. to E_USER_NOTICE Warnings. fopen 'BAD_ARGS' E_WARNING fopen expects at least 2 parameters 1 given trigger_error 'Warning..
create ini file, write values in PHP . key2. n else content . key2. . elem. n if handle fopen path 'w' return false if fwrite handle content return false..
How to save a HTML5 Canvas as Image on a server imageData 1 unencodedData base64_decode filteredData fp fopen ' path to file.png' 'wb' fwrite fp unencodedData fclose fp But..
Suppress error with @ operator in PHP [closed] reporting off but for example common practice is to use @fopen file and then check afterwards... but you can get rid of the.. but you can get rid of the @ by doing if file_exists file fopen file else die 'File not found' or similar. I guess the question.. may get deleted after file_exists returns true but before fopen . But I wouldn't just suppress errors to make them go away...
Resumable downloads when using PHP to send the file? intval matches 2 offset else partialContent false file fopen file 'r' seek to the requested offset this is 0 if it's not..
Reading/Writing a MS Word file in PHP in PHP without using a COM object I know that I can file fopen 'c file.doc' 'w ' fwrite file text fclose but Word will read..
PHP Mcrypt - Encrypting / Decrypting file msg key or die Failed to complete encryption. nfile fopen newfile 'w' fwrite nfile encrypted fclose nfile unlink PATH.'.. msg key or die Failed to complete decryption. nfile fopen newfile 'w' fwrite nfile decrypted fclose nfile unlink PATH.'..
how to extract data from csv file in php it yourself. Example from PHP Manual row 1 if handle fopen test.csv r FALSE while data fgetcsv handle 1000 FALSE num count..
How to make PDF file downloadable in HTML link? . filesize file flush this doesn't really matter. fp fopen file r while feof fp echo fread fp 65536 flush this is essential..
Download File to server from URL handle as the data parameter file_put_contents fopen http someurl 'r' From the manual If data that is the..
Import CSV file directly into MySQL into db. Something like path yourfile.csv row 1 if handle fopen path r FALSE while data fgetcsv handle 1000 FALSE row data_entries..
Downloading large files reliably in PHP if there is a better way to send large files Code f fopen DOWNLOAD_DIR. database _REQUEST 'fid' 'filePath' 'r' while feof..
Saving image from PHP URL using PHP share improve this question If you have allow_url_fopen set to true url 'http image.php' img ' my folder.. Else use cURL ch curl_init 'http image.php' fp fopen ' my folder flower.gif' 'wb' curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_FILE fp..
How to get body of a POST in php? this can helpful php function detectRequestBody rawInput fopen 'php input' 'r' tempStream fopen 'php temp' 'r ' stream_copy_to_stream.. rawInput fopen 'php input' 'r' tempStream fopen 'php temp' 'r ' stream_copy_to_stream rawInput tempStream rewind..
How do I Sort a Multidimensional Array in PHP [duplicate] f_parse_csv file longest delimiter mdarray array file fopen file r while line fgetcsv file longest delimiter array_push..
How can one check to see if a remote file exists using PHP? file exists using PHP The best I could find an if fclose fopen type thing makes the page load really slowly. Basically what..