php Programming Glossary: forgot
PHP file cannot enter some part of code . mysql_error subject Please check out message You have forgot to logout from the last site please check out manually from..
Secure random number generation in PHP random number generation in PHP Use case the I forgot my password button. We can't find the user's original password..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables correctly joined and the related columns were linked we forgot to pull in the actual information from the new table that we.. c.ID join brands d on a.brand d.ID where b.ID 1 While I forgot to include a table where we might want to join more than one..
PHP:How to send the original password to the user when he clicks forgot password which is encrypted by using md5? to send the original password to the user when he clicks forgot password which is encrypted by using md5 I am using md5 to.. encrypt the passwords in my project. When user clicks on forgot password and submits his email I have to send His password to..
PHP Session timeout or a page redirect once it has reached X minutes EDIT I forgot to mention that I need the session to timeout due to inactivity...
Read a file backwards line by line using fseek or like functions are disabled via php.ini yet the admin forgot about fseek or when opening a huge file just get the last few..
Upload max size in PHP? ditto PHP max_input_time ditto thanks @Thorstein forgot this one and possibly Apache LimitRequestBody share improve..
Simple test vs PHPunit Please correct me if I've stated something wrong or forgot something Overview of PHP Testing tools Video http
convert image to base64 encoding in php encoding thanks php share improve this question Pekka forgot to add 'data image jpg base64 ' I think that it should be type..
Regex / DOMDocument - match and replace text not in a link I read dozens of answers in the subject so I am sorry if I forgot somebody please comment it and I will add yours as well in this..
What unit testing in PHP to start [duplicate]
How do I protect my forum against spam? some concrete ways of stopping the spam Edit The thing I forgot to mention is that the forum needs to be open for unregistered..
Add column to Magento admin catolog > manage products no preferance there. I added a column for manufacturer but forgot where i obtained the code from. thanks php magento share..
how to prevent form resubmission when page is refreshed via PHP another value which solved the problem I am having but I forgot where it is php html forms form submit share improve this..
cleanup php session files that would have this cleanup happen automatically EDIT forgot to mention This site runs at a provider so I don't have access..
PHP “pretty print” HTML (not Tidy) like comparing apples to oranges. p body html probably forgot to set preserveWhiteSpace false before loadHTML disclaimer i..
Build a tree from a flat array in PHP php arrays tree flat share improve this question You forgot the unset in there bro. function buildTree array elements parentId..
Get Start and End Days for a Given Week in PHP like this I can't remember where I lifted it from as I forgot to put down the url in my comments function x_week_range start_date..
Getting MYSQL ERROR from my site [closed] use to My paypal account bisnis h3 Forgot Password h3 php if _POST code _POST code email _POST email emailx..
PHP cookies problem, works in Firefox not in other browser the bad english I hope the problem is understandable P.S. Forgot to point something that might be related to the problem. The..
PHP Upload - 500 Internal Server Error this. If only it was Linux... Thanks in advance UPDATE 1 Forgot to add there are no errors being returned in the PHP error log...
PHP to delete SQL row with multiple checkboxes name delete type submit id delete value Delete td tr form Forgot form close in past php Check if delete button active start this..
User recognition without cookies or local storage examples here just a simple hint of where to look further. Forgot to mention that it would need to be cross browser compatible..
PHP session without cookies
I Have md5 encrypted password, how to give the password to user when he uses “Forgot password”? how to give the password to user when he uses &ldquo Forgot password&rdquo I have database entry for password in md5 format.. entry for password in md5 format but when user uses the Forgot password then how can i give him her the desired password php..
Inverse date function? - not strtotime 's i H d m Y' '34 29 17 05 05 2011' 1304591364 edit Forgot to mention I know strtotime but it's failing me in most cases..
strtotime 'next month' not acting as expected (today that is) month regardless of lenght Ideally using strttotime edit Forgot to mention why i was hoping to use strtotime is that I'm using..
php: file_get_contents encoding problem I get Does anybody know how to solve this problem UPDATE Forgot to mention that all my php files are encoded in UTF 8 without..
forget password page, creating a generated password to email to the user. in the same record. User forgets their password clicks the Forgot Password link and enters their correct email address. Record..
destroy session on window close? head body a href # onclick showCookies show a body html Forgot to mention. window.onclose is not cross browser. share improve..