php Programming Glossary: forum
MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one id string hash int replycount int dateline timestamp int forumid string title Query select from thread where forumid 100 and.. int forumid string title Query select from thread where forumid 100 and replycount 1 order by dateline desc limit 10000 100.. let's split this 1G of records in as many tables as many forums category I have That is almost perfect. Having many tables..
Remove .php from urls with htaccess as well This no longer works http forums Forum Box2D EDIT Thanks for reopening I have made some progress. Here.. This link for instance works http forums Forum Box2D All the php pages that are not part of MyBB still have..
How do I maintain PHP sessions across multiple domains on the same server? am going to be integrating my sites with a Simple Machines Forum so I will need to use MySQL based sessions. Thanks php mysql..
using php to create a joomla user password? passwords md5 share improve this question From joomla Forum that's what happen behind Generate a password Generate 32 random..
iOS push notification problem when using crontab scheduler who have had this problem and their discussions are Apple Forum Question 1 Apple Forum Question 2 share improve this answer..
Undefined Index when using post same file and not get these errors html head title Install Forum title head body h1 Please enter your database information h1..