php Programming Glossary: formatoutput
Saving form data to an existing XML-file using PHP program addChild 'url' url doc new DOMDocument '1.0' doc formatOutput true doc preserveWhiteSpace true doc loadXML xml asXML LIBXML_NOBLANKS..
Rename an XML node using PHP dom new DOMDocument '1.0' dom preserveWhiteSpace false dom formatOutput true load the xml file dom loadXML ' xml version 1.0 encoding.. dom new DOMDocument '1.0' dom preserveWhiteSpace false dom formatOutput true Load the xml file. dom loadXML ' xml version 1.0 encoding..
PHP Encoding Error when producing XML from database [closed] ### setup the XML encoder doc doc new DOMDocument doc formatOutput true doc loadXML config table_name s doc encoding 'utf 8' ###..
PHP what is the best approach to using XML? Need to create and parse XML responses
innerHTML in PHP's DomDocument? php dom new DOMDocument dom preserveWhiteSpace false dom formatOutput true dom load html_string domTable dom getElementsByTagName..
Assigning xml generated by a while loop to a variable createUserDetailsXml array result dom new DOMDocument dom formatOutput TRUE enable automatic indenting dom loadXML ' users ' set root..
find and replace keywords by hyperlinks in an html fragment, via php dom with inline elements too. Setup dom new DOMDocument dom formatOutput TRUE dom loadXML html xpath new DOMXPath dom nodes xpath query..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? non namespaced id attribute. Setup dom new DOMDocument dom formatOutput TRUE dom preserveWhiteSpace FALSE dom loadXML ' pages ' How..
format xml string FALSE dom loadXML ' root foo bar baz bar foo root ' dom formatOutput TRUE echo dom saveXml gives live demo xml version 1.0 root foo.. version 1.0 root foo bar baz bar foo root See DOMDocument formatOutput and DOMDocument preserveWhiteSpace properties description. ..
PHP DOMDocument question: how to replace text of a node? string into a DOMDocument object doc new DOMDocument doc formatOutput true if is_file filePath doc load filePath else doc loadXML..
Create a complex structure with DOMDocument 'id' 'my_id3' parentNode setAttribute 'member' 'true' dom formatOutput true echo dom saveXml Understanding that DOM is a tree hierarchy..
PHP “pretty print” HTML (not Tidy) that it's readable however from the many tests I've done formatOutput true doesn't work at all with saveHTML only saveXML Even if.. dom preserveWhiteSpace false dom loadHTML buffer dom formatOutput true return dom saveHTML start output buffering using our nice..
PHP simpleXML how to save the file in a formatted way? dom new DOMDocument '1.0' dom preserveWhiteSpace false dom formatOutput true dom loadXML simpleXml asXML echo dom saveXML share improve..
Remove empty tags from a XML with PHP ' not node ' as node node parentNode removeChild node doc formatOutput true echo doc savexml prints xml version 1.0 parentnode tag1..
PHP XML how to output nice format completed xml document doc preserveWhiteSpace false doc formatOutput true xml_string doc saveXML echo xml_string You can make set.. doc new DomDocument '1.0' doc preserveWhiteSpace false doc formatOutput true That's probably more concise. Output in both cases is Demo..