php Programming Glossary: forgotten
$_SESSION v. $_COOKIE If you need more information just ask since I might have forgotten to include something. Thank You. Found this What risks should..
PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)? s given .' this varToString response the user may have forgotten to return something if null response msg . ' Did you forget..
php with special characters like ñ charset utf 8' . And some more solutions that I've already forgotten believe me I tried a lot. That's just the beginning of it I'm..
Best way to encode passwords in PHP it Why is challenge response approach a poor solution for forgotten passwords Non random salt for password hashes share improve..
How to upload LARGE files on YouTube api php client share improve this question You have forgotten to set the API key and you may use resumable upload. share..
What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key? with references do you honestly believe you won't have forgotten to unset a single reference Of course not It's so uncommon to..
What is the best way to connect to and query a MySQL database using PHP? if you've written an application like this you will have forgotten at some point to escape the user input and left a gaping SQL..
PHP swear word filter To follow the correct comment from Wrikken I have totally forgotten about that strtr is case sensitive and that it's better to follow..
Best practices for email confirmation codes I am by no means a security expert and I have probably forgotten a number of things and I may have mentioned some very bad practice..
How should I ethically approach user password storage for later plaintext retrieval? retrieved if when the user has an issue either to email a forgotten password link walk them through over the phone etc. When I can.. user needs to retrieve the password it's because they've forgotten it. In which case a new password is just as good as the old..
Why do some scripts omit the closing php tag '?>'? why and if I should do this as well I'm sure they have not forgotten it. php coding style share improve this question Well omitting..
overrideMimeType alternative for IE correct preferrably UTF 8 for both . Most likely you have forgotten the meta tag declaring the encoding. share improve this answer..
PHP: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded . It's particularly good at letting you know when you've forgotten an index or if you're doing something else inefficient. You..
Permutations - all possible sets of numbers some refreshment in theory of combinatorics as I have long forgotten it. What was formula to calc how many combination will there..
Declaration to make PHP script completely Unicode-friendly must at least do these things plus anything else I ™ve forgotten that furthers the overall goal The PHP script source is itself..
forget password page, creating a generated password to email to the user. retrieving user passwords. Now when you want to address forgotten passwords you can create a random password but that's still..