php Programming Glossary: employ
PHP to C# and Vice versa choices here. Database. If you are concerned about employing MSMQ as it is one more piece of infrastructure to manage.. is one more piece of infrastructure to manage you can also employ a database as a go between. A shared database can be accessed..
What is the difference between a language construct and a “built-in” function in PHP? get rid of the surrounding parentheses. PHP and here I'm employing pure guesswork may employ something similar for its language.. parentheses. PHP and here I'm employing pure guesswork may employ something similar for its language constructs print Hello might..
How do I Use Inner Classes in PHP? the data members from the parent class I would suggest you employ Inheritance. A possible alternative class OuterClass var x 15..
Best way to defend against mysql injection and cross site scripting secure. I guess I am asking which methods do you guys employ and how successful are they Thanks php sql security xss share..
Walk array recursively and print the path of the walk array share improve this question You could employ a RecursiveIteratorIterator docs to take the hard work out of..
Efficient PHP auto-loading and naming strategies directories named models views and controllers . I often employ a naming structure whereby files are named IndexView.php and.. naming and autoloading strategies other developers might employ. I'm looking specifically for good techniques to employ for.. employ. I'm looking specifically for good techniques to employ for efficient autoloading and not alternatives to autoloading...
How to identify web-crawler? purposes probably the best way to deal with bots is to employ a combination of the above mentioned strategies Filter user..
securing connection to php server share improve this question What you want to do is employ mutually authenticated SSL so that your server will only accept..
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) in PHP usually want to reduce the number of singular values then employ some appropriate distance metric to measure the similarity between..