php Programming Glossary: emits
What does PHPUnit Strict mode do? during the execution of a test. In strict mode a test that emits output will fail. That's all I could find in documentation but..
Derived class defined later in the same file “does not exist”? it returns without doing anything in compile time but emits a fatal error at runtime . This sounds enormously important...
print_r() adds properties to DateTime objects DateTime '2013 06 12 15 54 25' echo m_oDate date ...simply emits an error Notice Undefined property DateTime date in ... Why..
Which PDO methods throw exceptions? prepare the statement PDO prepare returns FALSE or emits PDOException depending on error handling . As a sidenote if..
include after PHP 404 header returning “Oops! This link appears to be broken.” displayed like the one in Internet Explorer when the page emits only the 404 header and less than a defined number of bytes..
How do I apply URL normalization rules in PHP? 'HTTP 80 a .. b c' print url getNormalizedURL emits http b c I doubt there's a general purpose mechanism..
Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object prepare the statement PDO prepare returns FALSE or emits PDOException depending on error handling . You should configure..
What is the difference between require and include with php? other words it will halt the script whereas include only emits a warning E_WARNING which allows the script to continue. share..
Can PHP and C++ pass data between each other?