php Programming Glossary: email_address
PHP Registration code I am having difficulty with. php include conn.php email_address _POST 'email_address' password md5 _POST 'password' f_name _POST.. difficulty with. php include conn.php email_address _POST 'email_address' password md5 _POST 'password' f_name _POST 'f_name' s_name.. s_name _POST 's_name' insert 'INSERT INTO UserAccount email_address password f_name s_name VALUES '. email_address.' '. password.'..
regex top level contents from a string skills fail me. I have the following string username email_address phone_numbers number profile title addresses id I want to be..
Multiple sending of email with attachment - repost problems. input addslashes _POST 'dep' email select email_address from student y where ' input' if p_address mysql_query..
When do/should I use __construct(), __get(), __set(), and __call() in PHP? you might use user ORM factory 'user' 1 email user email_address This is accomplished by using __get and __set . Something similar..
Submit form without page reloading function .ajax url send_email.php type 'POST' data email email_address message message success function msg alert 'Email Sent' ..
Automatically log into osCommerce via PHP, using cURL 1 Login password curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS 'email_address me@mail.xx password 123456' curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR.. improve this question oscommerce takes username and not email_address as long as I know unless you change the name of FORM field...