php Programming Glossary: emails
Sending mass email using PHP need to set up header to ensure that you are sending HTML emails correctly. As for whether the code snippet will work it would..
php multi-dimensional array remove duplicate 1 finkle 2 c@b.c I'd like to remove those with duplicate emails. So in the above example I'd like to just remove either 0 or..
Using a regular expression to validate an email address regular expression you have or have seen for validating emails I've seen several solutions that use functions that use several..
Threads in PHP for the acknowledged response which will show after the emails have sent. In Java there are Threads by which we can perform.. there are Threads by which we can perform that task send emails it does not slow the rest application. Is there any technique.. can divide our tasks which could take much time eg sending emails. Thanks.. php multithreading zend framework share improve..
PhpMailer vs. Swiftmailer? a fairly simple php script that will need to send some emails with attachments. I've found these 2 libraries to do this. Does..
php send e-mail with attachment improve this question I've just looked at a couple of my emails and I notice the the final attachment boundary ends with ' '..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? supported Hooks into CI's validation system Activation emails Login with email username or both configurable Unactivated accounts.. supported Hooks into CI's validation system Activation emails Unactivated accounts auto expire Suggests for salts.. a nice touch Hooks into CI's validation system Activation emails Language file support Actively developed Cons Feels a bit bloated..
How can I run a PHP script in the background after a form is submitted? through the entire table of subscribers and send out 150 emails. The emails are being sent individually as requested by the.. entire table of subscribers and send out 150 emails. The emails are being sent individually as requested by the system administrators..
Magento - Quote/order product item attribute based on user input should be displayed on any and all invoices orders sales emails. I want to control output with a template or at least be able.. How do I display this value on the order invoice sales emails and such pages How do I filter an order collection to fetch.. the customer order history in the frontend and the order emails as well as in the admin interface order view invoices shipments..
How do I receive email and process it in a web application set up an email id my PHP web application. Users will send emails to this id. I want to process these emails in the application... Users will send emails to this id. I want to process these emails in the application. Ho do I go about doing this Thanks in advance... library to connect to the mail server and parse the emails. The strategy I adopted was to filter all interesting incoming..
Sending Bulk Emails using PHP Bulk Emails using PHP I have to send mails to all users in the site when..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? username or email Separation of user and profile data Emails for activation and lost passwords Automatic cookie login feature..
MySQL or PHP is appending a  whenever the £ is used sql or die mysql_error if result outcome div id success Emails sent and database updated. div else outcome div id error Something..
Creating email address via PHP or any other script . There is no need to create a POP3 mailbox. Emails sent to regular email accounts e.g. should go..
Setting Up Emails in Code Igniter 2.02 Up Emails in Code Igniter 2.02 I ™m getting a lot of errors. And I've..
Windows live api get email contact vs email hash strval entry Profiles Personal DisplayName if isset entry Emails Email Address email trim strval entry Emails Email Address if.. isset entry Emails Email Address email trim strval entry Emails Email Address if empty email if empty name name trim strval..
Symfony2 MVC: where does my code belong? web application's state. A good example is sending emails. Emails contain data model . Users have sent Emails controller . Emails.. emails. Emails contain data model . Users have sent Emails controller . Emails look a certain way view . However the act.. contain data model . Users have sent Emails controller . Emails look a certain way view . However the act of actually sending..