php Programming Glossary: else's
$_SESSION v. $_COOKIE And there is session hijacking. Someone can guess someone else's session ID although it's nearly impossible to do. So use some..
Using square brackets in hidden HTML input fields in hidden HTML input fields I am analyzing someone else's PHP code and I've noticed that the input HTML has many hidden..
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? as a literal in another query you'll get to see someone else's password. Since the first few names in users table tend to be..
Storing and reading images above public_html resources handling requests that get presented on someone else's page. If that's what you're really trying to avoid you can use..
Pass a PHP string to a Javascript variable (and escape newlines) share improve this question Expanding on someone else's answer script var myvar php echo json_encode myVarValue script..
What type of webservice works best with iOS? and you don't have to conform your application to somebody else's style. I would stay away from SOAP based web services even though..
Best way to connect to mysql with php securely outside web root. Sockleg If you're hosting on someone else's server and don't have access outside your webroot you can always..
PHP security : retrieving PHP file from server, un-processed improve this question If you are talking about someone else's server then the short answer is no. If third parties could read..
Inheritance of static members in PHP way around this. I'm trying to write a wrapper for someone else's somewhat clunky function. The function in question can be applied..
Loading multiple versions of the same class end user and updating my library when used inside someone else's system should be a simple file replacement not going through..
PHP temp file names for uploads colliding been traced back that it is being overwritten with someone else's upload before it reaches the upload processing script php file..
Design considerations for internationalization like Poedit for translating your files checking someone else's translation and making sure that all strings are properly translated..
Getting the domain that calls an PHP file on your server through AJAX however prevent them from modifying it to use someone else's url or a random unregistered one as the parameter. Sure you..
Efficiently sanitize user entered text id 123 instead of id 321 might mean they change someone else's password. Make sure that EVERYTHING is validated correctly in..