php Programming Glossary: edit
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? null function last n 1 return this stack this count n EDIT Jitters wanted the version that supports reverse polish notation...
How to call a JavaScript function from PHP? php stuff script type text javascript jsFunction script EDIT You don't need to return a function name or anything like that...
How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php? php html regex extract img share improve this question EDIT now that I know better Using regexp to solve this kind of problem.. to quickly test them. Check this online regexp tester . EDIT answer to the first comment. It's true that I did not think..
How to get ID of the last updated row in MySQL? id WHERE some_other_row 'blah' LIMIT 1 SELECT @update_id EDIT by aefxx This technique can be further expanded to retrieve..
Forcing to download a file using PHP your .htaccess file AddType application octet stream csv EDIT an inline solution within your php file would be more like this..
Asynchronous shell exec in PHP to the script be called with the to background the process EDIT incorporating what @ AdamTheHut commented to this post you can..
PHP: Is mysql_real_escape_string sufficient for cleaning user input? sufficient for cleaning user input in most situations EDIT I'm thinking mostly in terms of preventing SQL injection but..
How can I create friendly URLs with .htaccess? recommend .htacces best practices and recommendations.. EDIT based on some answers I get here I put this IfModule mod_rewrite.c..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? on how to make this less daunting please let me know. EDIT I am more interested in knowing what kinds of patterns I could..
Make curl follow redirects? setting the options and before the curl_getinfo call. EDIT If you just want to find out where a page redirects to I'd use..
Doctrine2: Best way to handle many-to-many with extra columns in reference table tracklist And some extra getters setters in Track class EDIT @beberlei suggested to use proxy methods class AlbumTrackReference..
PHP Parse HTML code [duplicate] echo items item i nodeValue . br This outputs as T1 T2 T3 EDIT After OP Clarification If you want the content like Lorem ipsum...
Insert/update helper function using PDO Pending any minor syntax issues I made that should work. EDIT Really though I think I would go for Doctrine ORM or another..
How to turn off magic quotes on shared hosting? or on off value. ini_set 'magic_quotes_gpc' 0 doesn't work EDIT After checking the list of ini settings I see that magic_quotes_gpc..
PHP syntax for dereferencing function result [duplicate] Array Value on the Fly 7 answers NOT A DUPLICATE EDIT Jul 17 2013 This question was incorrectly voted a duplicate..
Website screenshots using PHP can then send to the server via ajax and save it as a jpg. EDIT You can use the imagemagick tool for transforming pdf to png... support images. E.g. convert html.pdf append html.png . EDIT This small shell script gives a simple but working usage example.. on linux with php5 cli and the tools mentioned above. EDIT i noticed now that the wkhtmltopdf team is working on another..
Detect encoding and make everything UTF-8 it to UTF 8 whatever the old encoding is Thanks in advance EDIT Would a function like this work function correct_encoding text..
How can I get the MAC and the IP address of a connected client in PHP? by parsing the output of arp n linux or arp a windows . Edit you ask in comments how to get the output of an external command..
Timezone conversion in php setTimezone la_time echo datetime format 'Y m d H i s' Edit regarding comments but i cannt use this method because i need..
How to get a variable name as a string in PHP? values but it's the only way I can think of to do this. Edit get_defined_vars doesn't seem to be working correctly it returns.. var_name value if value var return var_name return false Edit to be clear there is no good way to do this in PHP which is..
How do you implement a good profanity filter? [closed] a azz or a55 Bonus points if you offer solutions for PHP. Edit Response to answers that say simply avoid the programmatic issue.. the proxy that may be a helpful gleaning point for you. Edit in response the question edit Thanks for the clarification on..
How to find all Youtube video ids in a string using a regex? URL and sets the link text to YouTube link VIDEO_ID . Edit 2011 07 05 Added hyphen to ID char class Edit 2011 07 17 Fixed.. VIDEO_ID . Edit 2011 07 05 Added hyphen to ID char class Edit 2011 07 17 Fixed regex to consume any remaining part e.g. query.. function to camelCase. Improved pre linked lookahead test. Edit 2011 07 27 Added new user and ytscreeningroom formats of YouTube..
Using comet with PHP? I've only seen it in Java see the Apache Tomcat server . Edit There's an article here about using a load balancer HAProxy..
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP? 60 24 printf d years d months d days n years months days Edit Obviously the preferred way of doing this is like described..
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result mysql_error after the line on which you run your query. Edit In fact I would alter your DBConnector class function query..
How to extend access token validity since offline_access deprecation oauth 2.0 facebook oauth share improve this question Edit August 14th 2012 A week ago the official Facebook PHP SDK was..
What is stdClass in PHP? class kind of like Object in Java or object in Python Edit but not actually used as universal base class thanks @Ciaran..
What is the most accurate way to retrieve a user's correct IP address in PHP? or shed some light on something perhaps more accurate. edit includes optimizations from @Alix Retrieves the best guess of..
PHP Mcrypt - Encrypting / Decrypting file Encryption decrypt encrypted_string this is a test edit 2012 04 11 Updated to use AES See it in action share improve..
How do you implement a good profanity filter? [closed] gleaning point for you. Edit in response the question edit Thanks for the clarification on what you're trying to do. In..
How do you connect to multiple MySQL databases on a single webpage?
Highlight the difference between two strings in PHP in PHP I'm thinking along the lines of the Stack Overflow edit history page where new text is in green and removed text is..
Best solution to protect PHP code without encryption rip you off are not your target paying customers anyway. edited out other thoughts about obfuscation Another suggestion for.. consult a legal professional to prepare a commercial EULA. edit If this project can't justify the expense of a lawyer check..
Calculate business days 7 7 the_last_day_of_week no_remaining_days else edit by Tokes to fix an edge case where the start day was a Sunday..
Use PHP to create, edit and delete crontab jobs? PHP to create edit and delete crontab jobs Is it possible to use PHP to create.. delete crontab jobs Is it possible to use PHP to create edit and delete crontab jobs I know how to list the current crontab.. add a cron job with PHP 'crontab e' would just open a text editor and you will have to manually edit the entries before saving..
A simple program to CRUD node and node values of xml file setting Can anyone suggest me a simple php script to read edit add and delete node and node values php xml share improve..
PHP 2-way encryption: I need to store passwords that can be retrieved filesystem they can view decrypted data since they can edit the files that decrypt the data . Any form of Replay or MITM..
PHP OOP core framework 2 sections htmltext and projects and I should be able to edit them both. The uri would be something like domain backend projects.. will hold some images or a gallery domain backend projects edit 5 gallery 2 My question here is first would this be a good way.. class projects function index view index function edit project new Project projectdata project load 5 A single project..