php Programming Glossary: eat
Stripping HTML Comments With PHP But Leaving Conditionals non capturing group #11 a position not followed by . #12 eat the following char it's part of the comment #13 end non capturing.. it's part of the comment #13 end non capturing group repeat #14 Steps #02 and #11 are crucial. #02 makes sure that the.. or endif depends on #02 #07 end of look ahead . #08 eat the following char it's part of the comment #09 end of non..
Best practice for conducting a Magento update? [closed] control and also .DS_Store .Thumbs.db and your ide created project files from git. YOu don't need all Media and cached.. customisations activated it will perform like a charm repeat the upgrade version by version and save your code state by tagging.. save your code state by tagging in your test branch or create a new branch for each version based on existing testing branch..
What is better in a foreach loop… using the & symbol or reassigning based on key? 5 null null null 8 To counter this we'll either have to create a temporary variable or call the function tiwce or add a key.. be broken foreach array as v temp recursiveFunc v creating copy here anyway v temp temp v assignment doesn't require.. adding branches temp variables and what have you rather defeats the point. For one it introduces extra overhead which will..
PHP Framework OOP model to implement the framework the way I'll just need to create one instance of the object to use whole framework. I would.. as well as memory usage a huge PHP class definition can eat up a lot of RAM and RAM is a limited resource in a PHP script..
Choosing a thumbnail from an external link are 10 images it loops through and uses fread and imagecreatefromstring to find width and height for speed Once all width.. to process MEMORY Using getimagesize or fread imagecreatefromstring will store the whole image in memory any large images.. whole image in memory any large images on the page could eat up the server's memory and kill my script and server One solution..
is it a good practice to use mysql_free_result($result)? freed at the end of the script and each script should not eat too much memory. An exception could be long running batches..
Regex: Strip HTML attributes except SRC anything other than ' ' Zero or More times not greedy wont eat the # Capture Group 3 ' ' if it is there # Match ' ' i # End..
Remove all attributes from an html tag anything other than ' ' Zero or More times not greedy wont eat the # Capture Group 2 ' ' if it is there # Match ' ' i # End..
PHP/mySQL - how to fetch nested rows into multidimensinal array array hopefully you're not pulling back so much that it'll eat up too much memory. scales array while row mysql_fetch_assoc..
Auditing a PHP codebase As PHP is one of my secondary languages one I don't eat drink and breathe on a daily basis I'd like some feedback on.. one of my secondary languages one I don't eat drink and breathe on a daily basis I'd like some feedback on how to proceed... scope. Scope is a little upside down in PHP... If you create a variable outside of a function it can be modified inside..
What are the advantages of interfaces and abstract classes? [duplicate] animals abstract class Animal abstract protected function eat abstract protected function sleep public function die Do something.. die Do something to indicate dying In this case we define eat and sleep as abstract because different types of animals e.g... animals e.g. lion bear etc. that will inherit from Animal eat and sleep in different ways. But all animals die the same way..
How exactly do Regular Expression word boundaries work in PHP? and running content through said regular expressions. A feature I want to add is specifying whether a given word to match.. In the first I would expect it to fail as the group will eat the @ leaving nimal to match against @nimal which obviously.. of the word. In the second I would expect the group to eat the leaving @nimal to match the rest which it should . Instead..
Commenting interpreted code and performance remove or interpretation If so how can I have my cake and eat it too php javascript commenting share improve this question..
How to implement MVC style on my PHP/SQL/HTML/CSS code? a MySQL database and draws some graphs libchart library creates some tables etc. My problem is that right now its a code hell.. code Small components that just do their job they have Meat or Spicy Vegetables inside. Like we eat different pasta in our.. job they have Meat or Spicy Vegetables inside. Like we eat different pasta in our lives when programming we need to deal..