php Programming Glossary: earlier
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? output Example Let's encrypt the name field using the earlier encryption_key and iv name 'Jack' enc_name mcrypt_encrypt MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128..
How to validate an email address in PHP [duplicate] available as of PHP 5.2. In case you want it to work with earlier versions of PHP you could use the regex used in PHP php pattern..
Compile a referenced LESS file into CSS with PHP automatically this question THIS ASSUMES LESSPHP v0.3.8 Unsure about earlier versions but you'll get the gist of how it works if it doesn't..
Stop using `global` in PHP logs to the database note that it reuses the same db as earlier log new Log db creates a new Foo instance with explicit configuration.. passed which was loaded from the database or anywhere else earlier foo new Foo config executes the conversion function which has.. at instantiation time and also the logger which we created earlier foo conversion 'foo' array 'bar' 'baz' log I'll leave to implementation..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability APC in addition to the opcode cache I talked about earlier it allows you to store data in memory And or memcached see also.. you could cache some of these queries see what I said earlier Is your MySQL well configured I don't know much about that but..
Is it okay to use array[key] in PHP? take the 'key' value. But if there is something like this earlier in your code define 'key' 'glop' It will not take echo array..
What is the maximum length of a String in PHP? The memory limit defaults to 128MB in PHP 5.2 and 8MB in earlier releases. If you don't specify a memory limit in your php.ini..
How to show Ajax requests in URL? solution used in the last few commercial sites mentioned earlier. Good luck and if you have any further questions then just post..
Calculate business days function page in the PHP manual. It's an improvement of an earlier function in the comments that adds support for leap years. Enter.. no_remaining_days else the start date was a Saturday or earlier and the end date was Mon..Fri so we skip an entire weekend..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? doc query ' pages page ' . page . ' ' page is fine was set earlier products xpath query query _prods doc getElementsByTagName 'product'..
How to get multiple parameters with same name from a URL in PHP http bibliography 4323 the earlier value info oclcnum 1903126 having been overwritten. I'd like..
Why would one omit the close tag? While I can't remember any other reason sending headers earlier than the normal course may have far reaching consequences. Below..
Prevent Back button from showing POST confirmation alert such as a search or order confirmation that was performed earlier. Since application is built in such way that going Back is a..
Debug a DOMDocument Object in PHP used by other classes which have been already discussed earlier. Because they are so simple I left it until here. Well much.. this on your own quite simple and re useable. As written earlier it's a good idea to wrap this into a function called xmltree_dump..
Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements ugh whole 2 isues A big deal For the other 2 issues see my earlier answer In PHP when submitting strings to the database should..
Is closing the mysql connection important? as the execution of the script ends unless it's closed earlier by explicitly calling mysql_close . If your script has a fair..