php Programming Glossary: eastern
MySQL server has gone away - in exactly 60 seconds InnoDB sync_binlog 0 sync_frm ON system_time_zone Eastern Daylight Time table_definition_cache 256 table_lock_wait_timeout..
Generating a drop down list of timezones with PHP 6 UTC 6 Central Standard Time option option value 5 UTC 5 Eastern Standard Time option option value 4.5 UTC 4 30 Venezuelan Standard.. option value 1 UTC 1 Azores Standard Time Cape Verde Time Eastern Greenland Time option option value 0 selected selected UTC Western.. Time West African Time option option value 2 UTC 2 Eastern European Time Central African Time option option value 3 UTC..
PHP Timezone List 'US Central' GMT 06 00 Central Time US amp Canada 'US Eastern' GMT 05 00 Eastern Time US amp Canada 'US East Indiana' GMT.. 06 00 Central Time US amp Canada 'US Eastern' GMT 05 00 Eastern Time US amp Canada 'US East Indiana' GMT 05 00 Indiana East..
PHP date_default_timezone_set() Eastern Standard Time (EST) date_default_timezone_set Eastern Standard Time EST Long story short Is there an official un.. official un deprecated timezone that PHP5 recognizes for Eastern STANDARD time not Eastern DAYLIGHT time Short story long P Wow.. that PHP5 recognizes for Eastern STANDARD time not Eastern DAYLIGHT time Short story long P Wow I can't believe that PHP..
How to check is timezone identifier valid from code? 50 Canada Central 51 Canada East Saskatchewan 52 Canada Eastern 53 Canada Mountain 54 Canada Newfoundland 55 Canada Pacific.. 145 US Arizona 146 US Central 147 US East Indiana 148 US Eastern 149 US Hawaii 150 US Indiana Starke 151 US Michigan 152 US Mountain..
PHP: Delete first four lines from the top in content stored in a variable Last 12345 Date 2009 04 16 04 33 31 pm Eastern The content to be output starts here and can go on for any number..