php Programming Glossary: educated
limit keyword on MySQL with prepared statement, maybe still a bug? statement limit share improve this question My educated guess is that your parameters are getting inserted as strings..
How do I use Microsoft AD and php single sign on web app? I also still don't understand and would love to be educated why http server plugins are necessary and we can't have a php..
Derived class defined later in the same file “does not exist”? interpretation of the PHP source fueled in great part by educated guesses. Even though I am fully confident in the conclusion..
Detect language from string in PHP ways to do this. With any method you're just doing an educated guess. There are available some math related articles out there..
How to detect new Machine like Facebook? on browser close the same day or a few days ahead. My educated guess would be that data would consist of the device information..
UTF8 Encoding problem - With good examples presence of certain characters and byte values to make an educated guess but in this narrow case it'll need to distinguish just..
MySQL Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System: large files, large quantities, large problems and many larger situations I feel my opinion now is better educated. Promotion or system migration of the application requires extensive..
Non Latin Characters & ouch the collation on the MySQL DB to utf 8 general_ci as an educated stab from avalable UTF 8 options deleted and reimported my data..
php foreach, why using pass by reference of a array is fast? able to isolate specific points you can quite well do an educated guess for example that not for but count had the impact function..