php Programming Glossary: each
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables how are they different from one another When should I use each one compared to the others I am planning to use this in my for.. that everything is as clear as it can be. If you go on to teach others try to instill these characteristics in their queries.. the entire set of results. The number of columns in each query must be the same. Now you might be wondering what the..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? mysql_ counterparts. Simply include_once pdo_mysql.php in each invocation script that has to interact with the database. Remove.. new pdo_ function names. You could one by one transition each pdo_query into a plain pdo prepare execute call. It's best to.. row pdo_fetch_assoc result Can be replaced with just an foreach iteration foreach result as row Or better yet a direct and complete..
Simplest PHP example for retrieving user_timeline with Twitter API version 1.1 curl_close ch if output tweets json_decode output true foreach tweets as tweet print_r tweet How can I get the user_timeline.. 1.1 blocks create.json' requestMethod 'POST' In the docs each url states what you can pass to it. If we're using the blocks..
The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead all of the potential areas of impact planned around each of them and then thoroughly tested your solution in a staging..
Are PHP short tags acceptable to use? a bulk find and replace as long as you use the same form each time and don't chuck in spaces eg php or I don't buy readability..
Using a regular expression to validate an email address invalid as it disassembles the e mail address according to each RFC. This allows for a potentially more pleasing experience..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] going forward on the document stream and stopping at each node on the way. XMLReader like DOM is based on libxml. I am.. rules of HTML. Regular expressions have to be taught for each new regex you write. Regex are fine in some cases but it really..
Simple “Long Polling” example code? then tries again identical to how we wait 1 second after each message The nice thing about this approach is it is very resilient...
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? going forward on the document stream and stopping at each node on the way. XMLReader like DOM is based on libxml. I am.. rules of HTML. Regular expressions have to be taught for each new regex you write. Regex are fine in some cases but it really..
How to parse HTML with PHP? [duplicate] going forward on the document stream and stopping at each node on the way. XMLReader like DOM is based on libxml. I am.. rules of HTML. Regular expressions have to be taught for each new regex you write. Regex are fine in some cases but it really..
How should a model be structured in MVC? responsible for the presentational logic. This means that each View will usually juggle at least a few templates. It acquires..
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result LIMIT 0 100' Get an array containing the results. Loop for each item in that array while row connector fetchArray result echo..
How do the equality (== double equals) and identity (=== triple equals) comparison operators differ? table I put together showing how some variables compare to each other. means that they are identical means that they are equal..
How do I Sort a Multidimensional Array in PHP [duplicate] CSV data loaded into a multidimensional array. In this way each row is a record and each column contains the same type of data... array. In this way each row is a record and each column contains the same type of data. I am using the function.. You can use array_multisort Try something like this foreach mdarray as key row dates key row 0 of course replace 0 with..
Error logging, in a smooth way Execution does not reach this point. Exceptions Each of the three choices from before are listed here in a generic..
PHP: How do Cookies and Sessions work? creation. Sessions Sessions are slightly different. Each user gets a session ID which is sent back to the server for..
Converting HTML to PDF (not PDF to HTML) using PHP are some PHP libraries and some command line applications. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. PHP libraries fpdf..
“Distance” between colours in PHP is returned php colors share improve this question Each color is represented as a tuple in the hex code. To determine..
Classes. Whats the point? bicycles in existence all of the same make and model. Each bicycle was built from the same set of blueprints and therefore..
How to get thumbnail of YouTube video link using YouTube API? php youtube youtube api share improve this question Each YouTube video has 4 generated images. They are predictably formatted..
PDO with “WHERE… IN” queries WHERE `id` IN questionmarks st db prepare query Each question mark is filled in with the next item in the array st..
MySQLi prepared statements error reporting even though the questions started a bit different . Each method of mysqli can fail. You should test each return value...
Getting one line in a huge file with PHP I would like to compare it with the PHP equiv. Update Each line is the same length the whole way thru. php share improve..
Warning: mysql_query(): 3 is not a valid MySQL-Link resource external objects such as files and database connections. Each resource is given an integer id. Documentation Failed Connections..
Should I use EAV model? of products pens thongs tattoos umbrellas everything. Each of these product will share a few common attributes height width..
MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one 1 3 1 ... 1 2058300 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 ... 2 2352141 ... Each forum row includes a counter called next_thread_id unsigned..
SimpleXML get element content based on attribute value [duplicate] url docs xml DocSum foreach docs as book Each book individual Where the comment is I tried a lot of things...
When *not* to use prepared statements? three such selects joined together with UNION ALL s. Each page hit executes at most one statement and executes it only..
How should a model be structured in MVC? way is to have 1 1 relation between views and controllers. Each view represents whole page in your website and it has a dedicated..
php / Mysql best tree structure has no depth limitations. So it can have 3 or 15 levels. Each node can have an unlimited number of children. The priority..
Using comet with PHP? said I don't think FastCGI will solve the problem. Apache Each request into Apache will use one worker thread until the request..
Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays an input array input with N sub arrays as in your example. Each sub array has Cn items where n is its index inside input and..
Architecture more suitable for web apps than MVC? with ability of a controller to execute sub controllers. Each with own triad of M V and C. You gain modularity and maintainability..
Can you create instance properties dynamically in PHP? the properties and create instance properties from them. Each column value should be stored in a separate instance property...
Detecting Click Inside IFrame Using Invisible div what you are asking here jsFiddle PLACE OVERLAY OVER EACH IFRAME var W 0 H 0 X 0 Y 0 .iframe .each function i el W el..
php ssl curl : object moved error ch CURLOPT_POST 1 SET POST PARAMETERS FORM VALUES FOR EACH FIELD curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS 'Username testu Password..
MySql Error: Can't update table in stored function/trigger because it is already used by statement which invoked this stored function/trigger CREATE TRIGGER `capital` AFTER INSERT ON `brandnames` FOR EACH ROW UPDATE brandnames SET bname CONCAT UCASE LEFT bname 1 LCASE.. CREATE TRIGGER `capital` BEFORE INSERT ON `brandnames` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SET NEW.short_name CONCAT UCASE LEFT NEW.full_name..
PHP: Split string into array, like explode with no delimiter I have a string such as 0123456789 and need to split EACH character into an array. I for the hell of it tried explode..
How to efficiently find the closest locations nearby a given location to calculate the distance from the supplied lat long to EACH of the entries it gets from the database and order them in order.. that its going to be incredibly slow running this for EACH entry What do you think Its not the kind of data I could cache..
PHP MySQL Triggers - How to pass variables to trigger? AFTER INSERT ON `baemer_emr`.`table1` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO table2 VALUES NEW.idn _POST userid _SESSION.. ai_table1_each AFTER INSERT ON `baemer_emr`.`table1` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO table2 VALUES NEW.idn NEW.username NEW.patientid.. AFTER INSERT ON `baemer_emr`.bh_newuser FOR EACH ROW BEGIN DECLARE newsalt INTEGER SET newsalt FLOOR RAND 999999..
UPDATE/DELETE in mysql and get the list of affected row ids? CREATE TRIGGER mytable_delete AFTER DELETE ON mytable FOR EACH ROW SET @deletedIDs CONCAT_WS ' ' @deletedIDs notice..