php Programming Glossary: ebay
How to login in with Curl and SSL and cookies print result . The same code can actually let me go into ebay correctly by changing the LOGINURL to point to ebay's login.. into ebay correctly by changing the LOGINURL to point to ebay's login The only difference being that barnesandnobles is https.. only difference being that barnesandnobles is https and ebay login was http Also I believe that barnes website is asp aspx..
simple php SoapClient example for paypal needed array new SoapVar args SOAP_ENC_ARRAY function.'_Req' 'urn ebay api PayPalAPI' results this soapClient __soapCall function args.. xmlns xsd http 2001 XMLSchema xmlns ns1 urn ebay api PayPalAPI xmlns xsi http 2001 XMLSchema instance.. xsi http 2001 XMLSchema instance xmlns ns2 urn ebay apis eBLBaseComponents SOAP ENV Header ns1 RequesterCredentials..