php Programming Glossary: effectively
What security issues should I look out for in PHP keep it to one tip per answer so people can vote up down effectively. php security share improve this question Avoid using register_globals..
What is the difference between a language construct and a “built-in” function in PHP? redefine language constructs like echo or print they're effectively hardcoded into the parser whereas functions are mapped to a.. if you consider languages with first class functions effectively you can pass functions around as objects. You can't do that..
Remove non-utf8 characters from string Replacement is whatever was captured into group 1. This effectively removes all invalid bytes. It is possible to repair the string..
Can you store a function in a PHP array? ' Simply store the function's name as a string this is effectively all create_function is doing function do_echo echo echo echo..
User recognition without cookies or local storage which of those two matches is most probable In order to effectively answer this question you need to understand Frequency vs Probability..
Understanding MVC Views in PHP AJAX a lot... Following these simple principles we effectively do some separation of the presentation from the business logic...
remove multiple whitespaces in php tab or newline followed by one or more whitespace. Which effectively means replace two or more whitespace with a single space. What..
List of Big-O for PHP functions O N I've written a benchmark to test that they are still effectively O 1 for most realistic values . tests 1000000 max 5000001 for..
Why I have to call 'exit' after redirection through header('Location..') in PHP? is could the code after the header location call be effectively executed In which cases Can a malicious user be able to completely.. could the code after the header location call be effectively executed Yes always. The header is only a line of data asking..
What is the maximum length of a String in PHP? for all variables in a given script execution so this effectively places a limit on the length of a single string variable too...
How to show Ajax requests in URL? problems mentioned has proven to be jQuery Ajaxy . It's effectively an extension to the jQuery History project mentioned before..
Php recursion to get all possibilities of strings up from 0 to the binary representation of the full array effectively building a list of every possible unique combination. a array..
On-the-fly zipping & streaming of large files, in PHP or otherwise Paul Duncan ™s ZipStream PHP solves some of these problems effectively shoveling the data into Apache file by file. However it still..
Geo-Search (Distance) in PHP/MySQL (Performance) calculation on a small subset of your data. This is effectively the same method that Patrick has suggested but the Movable Type..
Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 0 is bound to the loop back IP localhost which effectively cuts you off from connecting from outside . If this is the case..
Getting DOM elements by Class name class we are searching for with a space. This way we are effectively looking for and find only instances of my class . Use an xpath..
How can one use multi threading in PHP applications looking for a way multi threading can be done or simulated effectively from within PHP. Any ideas php multithreading share improve..
Run PHP Task Asynchronously server load is idle letting you manage your load quite effectively if you can partition off tasks which aren't urgent easily. Rolling..
N-grams: Explanation + 2 applications like character trigrams might give better results. Effectively you would create n gram vector for a corpus of text in each..
What is the difference between a language construct and a “built-in” function in PHP? a language that starts with this expression expression ... Effectively this language is free to take any expressions it finds and get..
Calling PHP Parent Constructors With Old/New Syntax old style constructor function by the name of the class. Effectively it means that the only case that would have compatibility issues..
What should be stored in a cookie for a login system? then I must know the username and password to log in. Effectively the user is logged in automatically it is like having the password..
“Inline” Class Instantiation in PHP? (For Ease of Method Chaining) static method return an instantiation of the class itself Effectively writing my own constructor that isn't a constructor It feels..
Should you always end mysql queries with “or die?” way to revert the transaction and the error is not logged. Effectively making user Y happy and X left confuse where the money went.....
Using $this in anonymous function helloPrinter bindTo bye bye byePrinter outputs Bye world Effectively anonymus functions will have a bindTo method where the first..
Edit .htaccess with PHP ^ . .domain .com NC RewriteRule ^ domainMap 1 L R Effectively all this means is to have these redirects in place
Key groups with APC cache entries. Define a separate list of elements in this set. Effectively this would be the 5 10 and 17 scheme you'd described above but..