php Programming Glossary: david
foreach and simplexml utf 8 documentElement rows row column 1 column column David column column Johnson column row row column 2 column column.. #3 1 column array 3 0 string 1 1 1 string 5 David 2 string 7 Johnson row object SimpleXMLElement #5 1 column array..
How to fix badly formatted JSON in PHP? will be put into a MySQL TABLE. For example contact1 David Dave Letterman json_decode would return a NULL. If I manually.. the correct code for as provided by tftd php This contact1 David Dave Letterman Needs to look like this to be decoded by JSON.. Needs to look like this to be decoded by JSON contact1 David Dave Letterman data ' contact1 David Dave Letterman ' function..
Custom URL for each user in PHP . So if I go to phil and sign up as David then my site becomes david but Phil is kept..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? hints on solving PHP syntax errors PHP Debugging Basics by David Sklar Fixing PHP Errors by Jason McCreary PHP Errors 10 Common..
What is the best way to password protect folder/page using php without a db or username user entered it correctly. I am doing approximately what David Heggie suggested except without cookies. It does seem insecure..
Why is my database backup script not working in php? working in php I am using the Database Backup script by David Walsh http backup mysql database php to backup..
Best Twitter PHP Library [closed] Williams. PHP Twitter by Aaron Brazell original code from David Billingham. PEAR Services_Twitter by Joe Stump and David Jean.. David Billingham. PEAR Services_Twitter by Joe Stump and David Jean Louis. PHP Twitter by Tijs Verkoyen. I would also be inclined..
Cached, PHP generated Thumbnails load slow: How to find problem/solution from Waterfall graphs? The protocol less jquery loading from CDN advised by David got my bounty albeit making my site only 3 faster overall and..
PHP classes source code I'm on the stage of learning OOP with the help of PHP and David Powers book PHP Object Oriented Solutions . I'm on the chapter..
CakePHP Media Plugin Issue - undefined method MIME_Type::config() method MIME_Type config I am using the Media plugin by David Persson for CakePHP https davidpersson media . I've..
Dealing with nested sets in mysql? id or null if not invited Lets say I want to insert David as a child of Judith How do I do that Lets say I want to get..