php Programming Glossary: data_uri
Regex: Modify img src tags image . I've a sample code which does not work function data_uri filename mime mime_content_type filename data base64_encode.. preg_replace pattern create_function matches matches 1 . data_uri matches 2 . matches 3 image_element return image_element content.. the src url is not in the handler UPDATE 2 php function data_uri filename mime mime_content_type filename data base64_encode..
php: recreate and display an image from binary data straight from the Wikipedia page on data URIs php function data_uri file mime contents file_get_contents file base64 base64_encode.. 'data ' . mime . ' base64 ' . base64 img src php echo data_uri 'elephant.png' 'image png' alt An elephant share improve this..
How to embed images in a single HTML / PHP file? scheme which gives this portion of code quoting function data_uri file mime contents file_get_contents file base64 base64_encode.. 'data ' . mime . ' base64 ' . base64 img src php echo data_uri 'elephant.png' 'image png' alt An elephant share improve this..
how to use php to include an image in a word file? and a few tables in it. My first approach was php function data_uri file mime contents file_get_contents file base64 base64_encode.. . ' base64 ' . base64 file 'new.doc' fh fopen file 'w' uri data_uri 'pic.png' 'image png' fwrite fh ' table border 1 tr td b something..