php Programming Glossary: date_atom
Adjusting time zone in PHP with DateTime / DateTimeZone printf LA Time s br date_time_los_angeles format DATE_ATOM time_offset hawaii_time_zone getOffset date_time_los_angeles.. printf LA Time s br date_time_los_angeles format DATE_ATOM date_time_hawaii new DateTime '2009 09 18 05 00 00' hawaii_time_zone.. printf Hawaii Time s br date_time_hawaii format DATE_ATOM time_offset los_angeles_time_zone getOffset date_time_los_angeles..
How do you change the timezone in PHP for an existing timestamp? echo datetime getTimezone getName echo datetime format DATE_ATOM la_time new DateTimeZone 'America Los_Angeles' datetime setTimezone..
PHP Convert HTML Formatted Date Think this can be done with php date function using DATE_ATOM value php date atom share improve this question function..
Facebook killed Public RSS feeds; how to obtain a Facebook Page RSS with the new Timeline? you're generating feed setChannelElement 'updated' date DATE_ATOM time feed setChannelElement 'author' array 'name' 'Spree Table'..