

php Programming Glossary: dbal

Symfony2: Where to set a user defined time zone


Security Core SecurityContextInterface use Doctrine DBAL Connection use JMS DiExtraBundle Annotation Service use JMS.. private securityContext @var Doctrine DBAL Connection private connection @InjectParams securityContext.. SecurityContextInterface securityContext @param Doctrine DBAL Connection connection public function __construct SecurityContextInterface..

Symfony 2: INNER JOIN on non related table with doctrine query builder


doctrine query builder. Why don't you use PDO use Doctrine DBAL DriverManager conn DriverManager getConnection params config..

Is MVC + Service Layer common in zend or PHP?


Doctrine2 findBy relationship object triggers string conversion error


Object of class Models User to string conversion Filename DBAL Connection.php Line Number 574 This shouldn't happen right If..

Doctrine 2.0 Bootstrap?


hierarchy like so includes Setup.php Doctrine Common DBAL ORM Symfony Doctrine.php My setup.php has the following rootPath.. ORM Configuration Doctrine ORM EntityManager Doctrine DBAL Types Type Doctrine Common Cache ArrayCache Doctrine DBAL Logging.. DBAL Types Type Doctrine Common Cache ArrayCache Doctrine DBAL Logging EchoSqlLogger include the class loader directly require_once..

Doctrine2 Insert and retrieve new insert ID


persist object em flush object getId if you are using the DBAL conn lastInsertId http www.doctrine project.org api dbal 2.0..

Zend Framework ORM(TDG) vs Doctrine [duplicate]


in their framework and Doctrine only focusses on the ORM DBAL side of their 'framework'. From this approach Doctrine will..