

php Programming Glossary: dbconn

To understand an array in PHP when given the other variable in the array


this array 1 array 'tags' array 0 php 1 sql php dbconn pg_connect host localhost port 5432 dbname noa user noa password.. get titles and question_ids result_titles_tags pg_prepare dbconn query777 SELECT question_id title FROM questions WHERE question_id.. was_sent_at_time DESC LIMIT 50 result_titles pg_execute dbconn query777 array TAGS result_tags pg_prepare dbconn query9 SELECT..

PHP: different quotes?


using different quotes ' and below result pg_query_params dbconn 'INSERT INTO users username email passhash_md5 VALUES 1 2 3.. array username email passhash_md5 result pg_query_params dbconn SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE email 1 array email php quotes..

Fastest way to insert 134675 values in remote database


could do something like foreach array as value mysql_ping dbconn sql insert into collected values ' . value. ' res mysql_query.. logic maybe like this I haven't tested function check_dbconn connection if mysql_ping connection mysql_close connection connection.. 'db' connection return connection foreach array as value dbconn check_dbconn dbconn sql insert into collected values ' . value...

Cannot simply use PostgreSQL table name (“relation does not exist”)


db_name showfinder username user password password dbconn pg_connect host db_host dbname db_name user username password..

how to select mysql query with foreign language?


should try one of these 1. using mysql_set_charset 'utf8' dbconn instead of mysql_query as shown in http php.net manual en function.mysql..