php Programming Glossary: data_string
How to POST JSON Data With PHP cURL? Lastnameson phone 555 1212 province ON zip 123 ABC data_string json_encode data ch curl_init url curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST.. POST curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS array customer data_string curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER true curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER.. Type application json' 'Content Length ' . strlen data_string result curl_exec ch curl_close ch And at other page I am retrieving..
Having trouble limiting download size of PHP's cURL function curl_handle CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER array Range bytes 0 1000 data_string curl_exec curl_handle echo data_string curl_close curl_handle.. Range bytes 0 1000 data_string curl_exec curl_handle echo data_string curl_close curl_handle When this code is executed it returns.. id edgen xml 1' curl_handle curl_init curl_url data_string function write_function handle data global data_string data_string..
PHP/Apache/AJAX - POST limit? long .ajax cache false type 'POST' url 'data.php' data 'data_string' string On the PHP side I get the following error message when.. error message when trying to retrieve data from _POST 'data_string' Notice Undefined index data_string in data.php on line ..... data from _POST 'data_string' Notice Undefined index data_string in data.php on line ... I've checked the post_max_size in php.ini..