php Programming Glossary: datatypes
Get MySQL Query Results as Their Native Data Type? this question I don't think getting data in their native datatypes i.e. anything else that strings can be done in PHP 5.2... In.. like an ORM to convert results coming from the DB to PHP datatypes... And yes this is bad if you want to use operators like and..
HashMap via SOAP from Java to PHP and back applikationsDaten to make it work i had to specify datatypes for the Hashmap like this private HashMap String String applikationsDaten..
The accuracy of PHP float calculate Float is an inexact datatype as all floating point datatypes are because you may lose precision when converting to and from..
Should I use EAV model? EAV does make it a little harder to alter attribute datatypes. If your initial design calls for a particular attribute datatype..
Doctrine 2.0.4 Configuration Error? [closed] create connectionOptions config echo pre print_r em custom datatypes not mapped for reverse engineering em getConnection getDatabasePlatform..
PHPExcel very slow - ways to improve? if you use the Advanced Value Binder to set cell datatypes automatically. If you're setting values for every individual..
Able to see a variable in print_r()'s output, but not sure how to access it in code documented here . However this does only work for simple datatypes like string or integer . There are as well compound datatypes.. like string or integer . There are as well compound datatypes namely array and object . They can contain further datatypes.. namely array and object . They can contain further datatypes be it simple or compound. You can learn in the PHP manual how..
How do I work with high precision decimals in PHP decimal . I am planning on using the NUMERIC or DECIMAL datatypes in my database to store this data in order to maintain the high..