php Programming Glossary: date_create
php copying array elements by value, not by reference object array. So I can then do something like data 'x' 0 date_create ... Update my latest attempt to clone the array looks something..
The first day of the current month in php using date_modify as DateTime object as DateTime object I can get Monday this week with monday date_create modify 'this Monday' I would like to get with the same ease..
Using strtotime for dates before 1970 can work with a much wider range of dates. Procedural date date_create row 'value' if date e date_get_last_errors foreach e 'errors'..
Repeating Events on the “nth” Weekday of Every Month month by using the format of . Here's an example using date_create to invoke a DateTime object but regular old strtotime works.. object but regular old strtotime works the same way php d date_create 'Last Friday of March 2011' if d instanceof DateTime echo d.. format 'l F d Y H i s' Friday March 25 2011 00 00 00 php d date_create 'First Friday of March 2011' if d instanceof DateTime echo d..
How to get previous month and year relative to today, using strtotime and date? like datestring '2011 03 30 first day of last month' dt date_create datestring echo dt format 'Y m' 2011 02 share improve this..