php Programming Glossary: compares
Is there a difference between !== and != in PHP? operators share improve this question The operator compares value while the operator compares type as well. That means this.. question The operator compares value while the operator compares type as well. That means this var_dump 5 5 bool false var_dump..
PHP typecasting improve this question int value saves one function call compares to intval value and settype value 'int' . And int value is clean..
PHP expresses two different strings to be the same [duplicate] number format so they will cast into number when they compares. 608E 4234 and 272E 3063 will both be float 0 because they are..
Am I correctly supporting UTF-8 in my PHP apps? is that it will collate sort and do case insensitive compares with knowledge about non ASCII characters so eg. ˜Å•â€ and ˜Å”â€..
GMT vs UTC dates vs UTC dates I have a calendar build in JS that compares dates with PHP. The JS date object is set using PHP but when..
Sorting a multidimensional array in PHP? this question use a compare function in this case it compares the array's unix timestamp value function compare x y if x 4..
Stemming algorithm that produces real words word. e.g. communiti community Create a function which compares each stem to a list of the words that were reduced to that stem..
displaying a comparison table using php table using php I am trying to output a table which compares two elements at a time with a radio button at the end of each.. inner loop has finished executed. and an inner loop which compares the elements. The problem I am having is if two elements have..
array_unique for objects? methods share improve this question Well array_unique compares the string value of the elements Note Two elements are considered..
php array_unique share improve this question It's because array_unique compares items using a string comparison. From the docs Note Two elements..
How important is it to unset variables in PHP? of my applications Also is there a benchmark anywhere that compares difference between using unset and not using unset php memory..
Finding similar number patterns in table originally here is my attempt. ^ is the XOR function. It compares 2 binary numbers bit by bit and returns 0 if both bits are the..
Recursive MySQL query? that you look at Bill Karwin's presentation where he compares four different models for storing heirarchical data and looks..
What is the php_binary serialization handler? to a memcached server so I'm wondering how php_binary compares. php serialization igbinary share improve this question ..
Which is faster, python webpages or php webpages? how the speed of pylons or any of the other frameworks compares to a similar website made with php I know that serving a python..
How do the equality (== double equals) and identity (=== triple equals) comparison operators differ? equality identity operator share improve this question compares the values of variables for equality type casting as necessary...
Pretty URLs in PHP frameworks f RewriteRule . index.php L This file then compares the request _SERVER REQUEST_URI against a list of routes a mapping..
What does === do in PHP comparison operators share improve this question It compares both value and type equality. if 45 45 false if 45 45 true if.. if 45 45 true if 0 false false It has an analog which compares type and value inequality if 45 45 true if 45 45 false if 0..