php Programming Glossary: commonly
How foreach actually works in the handler this is something internal classes quite commonly do then it means that the properties table will be recomputed..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? it may indicate a higher level oversight. That was commonly there to undo damage double escaping from the deprecated magic_quotes..
Preserving session variables across different domains you would need to have the session data on some storage commonly accessible by all your servers. The default storage is the local..
What does the variable $this mean in PHP? It's a reference to the current object it's most commonly used in object oriented code. Reference http manual..
Reference: all basic ways to sort arrays and data in PHP array Merge sort In computer science a merge sort also commonly spelled mergesort is an O n log n comparison based sorting algorithm...
htaccess mod_rewrite character Jim_Carrey In your database you add a field commonly called slug or post_slug which refers to the Jim_Carrey part..
PHP and Enumerations their keys. Are there any solutions workarounds you commonly use Does anyone recall whether the PHP guys have had any thoughts..
How do you implement pagination in PHP? do you implement pagination in PHP How are paged results commonly implemented in PHP I'd like to have a results page with 10 results... give me the next and previous sets. Is there a way this is commonly done Does anyone have simple advice on getting started php..
What's the best way to pass a PHP variable to Javascript? share improve this question General Data Passing A commonly used exchange format for JavaScript is JSON using json_encode..
mysql_real_escape_string VS addslashes true. addslashes adds slashes to characters that are commonly disturbing. mysql_real_escape_string escapes whatever MySQL..
Why is my $_ENV empty? the registration of these arrays and because ENV is not as commonly used as the others ENV is is not recommended on productions..
How would I implement a simple site search with php and mySQL? for the MyISAM engine not InnoDB which is the most commonly used engine due to its referential integrity and ACID compliance..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation Here's a ¶Quick Tutorial € on the RANK operator as it is commonly known . It is not ANSI SQL it is an Oracle and MS extension...
Why shouldn't I use PHP's mail() function? in using mail over a library or extension. For example the commonly specified headers that aren't included in a standard mail call...
Apache rewrite - get original URL in PHP in REQUEST_URI . For CGI or FastCGI setups it is quite commonly REDIRECT_URL . You will have to check a phpinfo page to be sure...
Headers already sent by PHP after it will be output as page content still. It's commonly advised in particular to newcomers that trailing PHP close tags.. This eschews a significant part of these cases. Quite commonly include scripts are the culprit. Again phptags whitespace .php..
How to best store user information and user login and password separate data store from your domain data. One approach commonly done is to store credentials in an LDAP directory server. This..
how to ping a server port with php? is successfully made. Most other transport protocols commonly UDP but others as well do not behave in this manner and datagrams..