php Programming Glossary: completeness
How do I get PHP 5.3.8 to read a .user.ini file? of .user.ini files. Anyone know the answer to that For completeness I include my configure command in case someone can see some..
Select with optgroup in Symfony 2.0 a select with the optgroup option in Symfony2 For sake of completeness here I report an example of a select with the optgroup tag example..
Testing if a network in cidr notation overlaps another network be although not thoroughly tested 5.2 See it working For completeness I imagine your use case would be implemented something along..
How do I get SSL working in fsockopen? mentioned OpenSSL I thought I'd include it here anyway for completeness. What I want to do is simple make a POST request to another..
How do i track the visitor's country and redirect them to appropriate sites? API. I wouldn't recommend it but its included for sake of completeness. Download a pure PHP class which can read the database file...
HTTP 404 - File not found Internet Explorer V6 comments ee4zc so_i_looked_at_plesks_404_page Just for completeness HTML HEAD TITLE 404 Not Found TITLE HEAD BODY H1 Not Found H1..
Can I detect and handle MySQL Warnings with PHP?
Connection between MSSQL and PHP 5.3.5 on IIS is not working knowledge already imparted in the comments above but it's completeness may also help others starting from scratch Note Clearly the..
Finding the subsets of an array in PHP question implies. An example can be found here quoted for completeness php Returns the power set of a one dimensional array a 2 D array...
PHP opendir() to list folders only for readdir . It includes an example for exactly this. For completeness php if handle opendir '.' blacklist array '.' '..' 'somedir'..