php Programming Glossary: communications
json decode in php communication @array true @id 23101384 @uri xyz v1 Communications 1111 household @id 111111 @uri xyz v1 Households 5465465 person.. person @id @uri communicationType @id 1 @uri xyz v1 Communications CommunicationTypes 1 name Home Phone communicationGeneralType.. 2009 08 11T23 40 02 @array true @id 11111 @uri xyz v1 Communications 111111111 household @id 14436295 @uri xyz v1 Households 11111..
How to get file name from full path with PHP? For example how to get from F Program Files SSH Communications Security SSH Secure Shell with PHP php filenames..
Parse XML with PHP and XMLReader name Grande Gables at The Terrace name cache Grande Communications as a variable mso msoId 17541 Grande Communications mso marketIds.. Grande Communications as a variable mso msoId 17541 Grande Communications mso marketIds marketId type DMA 635 marketId marketIds check.. Grande Gables at The Terrace name mso msoId 17541 Grande Communications mso marketIds marketId type DMA 635 marketId marketIds postalCodes..
json decode in php just the email address from it. How do I do it in php communications communication @array true @id 23101384 @uri xyz v1 Communications.. how inerte did it would be to access it like json_object ' communications communication @array true @id 23101384 @uri xyz v1 Communications.. json_decode json_object echo email . json_decoded communications communication 3 communicationValue. br share improve this..
A PHP Socket Server with Flash Clients
bitwise operations in PHP? such as writing device drivers low level graphics communications protocol packet assembly and decoding. I am doing PHP for several..
TripleDES in Perl/PHP/ColdFusion against wall integration techniques. After many to and fro communications with the payment processor lots and lots of reps stating 'we..
“Could not open socket” your server and the recaptcha server there's a network communications problem that prevents the socket connection from being opened... in even the best configured network environment there's no communications guarantee. Hardware fails accidents happen network admins have..
PHP/MySQL with encoding problems three. htmlentities text ENT_COMPAT 'utf 8' Regarding communications with MySQL you need to make sure the connection collation and..
Multidimensional Array PHP Implode Implode In terms of my data structure I have an array of communications with each communications_id itself containing three pieces of.. data structure I have an array of communications with each communications_id itself containing three pieces of information id score and.. usage it is also applicable here. ids array_column communications 'id' output implode ' ' ids Original answer You need to make..
Object-oriented-like structures in relational databases different. The entities that all actors deal with are communications notes admins like to leave notes on customers and a few more... how do I do reverse association queries I.e. show me all communications with just actors of type worker Any advice Any general thoughts.. to query based on those classes. Here's what show me all communications with just actors of type worker looks like. select from comm..