php Programming Glossary: clutter
Copy or don't copy extra variables in PHP? just echo 197 The point is unnexessary variables do create clutter and could potentially conflict with a variable you defined elsewhere...
Set up Apache for local development/testing? like to use it for multiple projects. I would rather not clutter up my machine's DocumentRoot with each one. Suggestions on how..
Replace URLs in text with HTML links . They're easier to keep track of that way and don't clutter the comment area . Here's my take php text EOD Here are some..
PHP class instantiation. To use or not to use the parentheses?
PHP Send email with PDF attachment without creating the file? DB I don't want to save all the PDF's locally as it will clutter up my server. I want to be able to send an email with a PDF..
How to detect and remove unnecessary xmlns:<something> attributes in PHP DOM? rootnode namespaces to children resulting in even more clutter. edit this seems to work Given XML added some namespace clutter.. edit this seems to work Given XML added some namespace clutter element xmlns yetanotherprefix http mynamespace yet subelement..
Soft delete best practices (PHP/MySQL) these products. However I want employees to be able to de clutter the administration interfaces such as removing former employees..
Declaration to make PHP script completely Unicode-friendly PHP scripts to work with Unicode without having to clutter up the source code with a bunch of confusing alternate function..
Simple rewrites in Zend Framework to understand although it seems like a hack. It also could clutter the code with a bunch of 5 line Controller classes. I think..