

php Programming Glossary: client.php

PHP SOAP Transfering Files


be more clear I have posted both the server.php code and client.php code. Please see below ## server.php ## require_once 'lib nusoap.php'.. '' server service HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA ## client.php ## require_once 'lib nusoap.php' include required class for..

Scalable, Delayed PHP Processing


event #Remove event after processing it. Added this later client.php ###### client.php ######The user browser I guess should generate.. after processing it. Added this later client.php ###### client.php ######The user browser I guess should generate these events...

How to build a RESTful API?


is a very simply example in simple php. There are 2 files client.php api.php . I put both files on the same url http localhost 8888.. time since I've done php. But this is the idea of an api. client.php php this is the client if isset _GET action isset _GET id _GET.. echo user_info age td tr table a href http localhost 8888 client.php action get_userlist alt user list Return to the user list a..

CURL HTTP Authentication at server side


action parameter Here is the total code for user's request client.php php curl curl_init 'http www.example.com app public user add..

Authenticate user for socket.io/nodejs


u 314941 6503745 php.tar.gz After login you have to reload client.php to authenticate p.s I really don't like the concept of creating.. 'access' 'granted' To run server just run node server.js client.php php session_start echo h1 SID . session_id . h1 html head script..